New ultra-white paint for vehicles


Aug 26, 2017
Phoenix, AZ and Ensenada, Mexico
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Looks as if we have a new paint option on the horizon…..

On a hot tarmac in the peak of summer, an airplane’s crew has little choice but to run the air conditioner to keep themselves and their passengers cool. But soon, crews could become less reliant on the A.C., thanks to a new lightweight, ultra-white paint that can reflect up to 97.9 percent of sunlight.

This engineered paint has the potential to cool the exteriors of airplanes, cars, trains and even spacecraft. As the planet warms because of human-caused climate change, the paint could be an innovative, passive way to keep spaces—and people—cool. At the same time, it could reduce our reliance on energy-guzzling and heat-emitting air conditioners that contribute to global warming.”

“Cooterville traffic, N12345, Ultra-white Cherokee, 3-mile straight-in for Rwy3. Cooterville.”
Should paint every building and highway with this stuff.

Oh wait... LA already is.

What happens in winter? In the cooler latitudes, it takes more energy to heat commercial and residential spaces, and ice won’t easily melt on the street, or on your wings.
What happens in winter? In the cooler latitudes, it takes more energy to heat commercial and residential spaces, and ice won’t easily melt on the street, or on your wings.
Paint your house black?
“Our paint does not use any power, but, more importantly, it sends the heat to space. The heat doesn’t stay on the Earth, so that really helps the Earth to cool down and can stop the warming trend.”

Wouldn’t this cause, Cosmic Warming…?

Sarcasm, I have no serious thoughts on this…
Not mentioned in that press release is the difference in cooling between what we currently have (reflects 80% - 90%) vs this uber paint (98%). I doubt if airplanes and busses will get rid of air conditioning.
This is a nicer place.


Isn't polished metal even lighter and more sunlight reflective?
Isn't polished metal even lighter and more sunlight reflective?

not to mention the benefit of creating all that work (to keep the metal polished)
Not mentioned in that press release is the difference in cooling between what we currently have (reflects 80% - 90%) vs this uber paint (98%). I doubt if airplanes and busses will get rid of air conditioning.

I'm sure A/C will stay - but even an improvement in reflection from 90% to 98% is an 80% reduction in absorbed energy. That's not insignificant.
80%? How does that math work?
80%? How does that math work?

I toss 100 units of energy at you.
You bounce back 90%
Energy absorption :10

I toss 100 units of energy at you again.
Now you bounce back 98.
Energy absorption: 2

Reduce 10 by 80% and you get...2.

The amount you absorbed was reduced by 80%. Not the amount I threw at you.
If you hangar at a place with jet traffic, you will notice a constant deposition of soot on vertical surfaces, even tied up indoors. I foresee little practical effect, or a massive increase in washing.
I toss 100 units of energy at you.
You bounce back 90%
Energy absorption :10

I toss 100 units of energy at you again.
Now you bounce back 98.
Energy absorption: 2

Reduce 10 by 80% and you get...2.

The amount you absorbed was reduced by 80%. Not the amount I threw at you.

Check out the big brain on eddyfreddy!