Is There Such a Thing as Mom Jokes?


Oct 28, 2013
Roswell, GA
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I think nearly everyone is familiar with the concept of Dad jokes. I'd define a Dad joke as a lame attempt at humor with the hope of eliciting a giggle out our younger children, and a groan out of everyone else. I'm a dad, and I thought one up while doing that most dad activity, mowing the grass.

What's a dog's favorite type of chair?

A Barcalounger.


That got me thinking, is there such a thing as a Mom joke? I asked my wife, and she told me a fairly weak joke, which I think is the first time I've ever heard her tell a joke, and we've been together for 25 years. So, in your experience, is there such a thing as a Mom joke?
Good moms let their kids lick the beaters. Great moms turn them off first.

Being a mother has taught me you don’t need fun to have alcohol.

Mom’s recipe for iced coffee: Have kids. Make coffee. Forget you made coffee. Put it in the microwave. Forget you put it in the microwave. Drink it cold.

“Look at me, Mommy!” is the toddler equivalent of “Hold my beer.”
I dunno, I've been telling "yo momma" jokes for decades.

"Yo momma's so fat it takes two trains and a bus to get on her bad side!"
Yo momma is so poor I saw her kicking a trash can so I asked, "What are you doing?" and she said, "I'm moving."
Yo Mama (or is it Yoyo Ma)
Yo mama's so fat, when she goes camping, the bears hide their food.

Yo mama's cooking so nasty, the flys got together and fixed the hole in the window screen.
When my son says, "hey dad" my reply is, "I hope so" ... :D
Finally something at my maturity level!

Yo mamma's so fat, she has to iron her pants in the driveway.
and for the old timers:
Yo mamma's so fat, she wears a VCR as a beeper.
yo mama’s so fat she has smaller people orbiting around her.
When my clients are doing an inflight restart, and they get to “Start Button…DEPRESS”, I like to say, “your mama’s ugly and she hates you…that oughta depress it.”

does that count?
"Yo mama" wasn't the direction I thought this thread was going. As soon as I read the title of the thread, I thought about all the mom humor that seems to be inundating my Instagram feed since the birth of my first grandchild. Its all a bit too much. Especially since my Instagram (was) primarily for following a few of the aviation related content providers.
Most Dad jokes are groaners. Most Mom jokes, as demonstrated here, are derogatory towards moms. Switch the nouns and see what happens.
Good moms let their kids lick the beaters. Great moms turn them off first.

Being a mother has taught me you don’t need fun to have alcohol.

Mom’s recipe for iced coffee: Have kids. Make coffee. Forget you made coffee. Put it in the microwave. Forget you put it in the microwave. Drink it cold.

“Look at me, Mommy!” is the toddler equivalent of “Hold my beer.”

We were on a telephone meeting waiting for everyone to arrive. Someone said, "Anyone know any jokes?". So I used the "Great moms" joke. Took one lady on the call a minute or so to stop laughing. :D
We still laugh at them. Substitute any person for mom and they are still funny. Some people just look to be offended.

Being an alcoholic has taught me that you don't need to have fun to have alcohol. Hmmm, jury still out on that one...
You know you’re a mom when you understand why Mama Bear’s porridge was too cold.

Cleaning with kids in the house is like brushing your teeth with Oreos.

Motherhood is a constant battle between going to bed to catch up on some sleep or staying awake to finally get some alone time.

Is it yelling? Or just very enthusiastic motivational speaking?
Most Dad jokes are groaners. Most Mom jokes, as demonstrated here, are derogatory towards moms. Switch the nouns and see what happens.

Hmm.. are you decrying the black cultural tradition of "the dozens" and placing the feelings of women above it? Hopefully not.. gasp... white women?

Anyway, here's what happens: Yo daddy is so fat, I swerved to miss him and ran outta gas! :p
Sheesh. It’s supposed to be about who’s telling the joke. Not who the joke is about.
Most Dad jokes are groaners. Most Mom jokes, as demonstrated here, are derogatory towards moms. Switch the nouns and see what happens.
Yo daddy so fat that when he puts on pantyhose…

I see your point. :rolleyes:

of course, the basic concept of the dad joke is that it makes dads look like the most intelligent people ever.
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I think most teenagers, upon hearing their Dad tell a Dad joke, form a very different opinion.
My kids had shamed me long before becoming teens. I quit telling them. They were ready for the evil stuff by then. Then they out eviled me so I just quit and came here.
My kids had shamed me long before becoming teens. I quit telling them. They were ready for the evil stuff by then. Then they out eviled me so I just quit and came here.
I was heading out to run some errands one evening, and asked if I needed to pick anything w. My 19-year-old said “you could use some dignity.”

the dollar store was closed…I still need to pick up silly string and retaliate
I was heading out to run some errands one evening, and asked if I needed to pick anything w. My 19-year-old said “you could use some dignity.”

the dollar store was closed…I still need to pick up silly string and retaliate

Some shrimp stuffed in the curtain rods of their room would work too.
Yo mama is so fat that when she went to the doctor the doctor told her to open up and say oink.
My friend Billy is so ugly, when he was born the doctor slapped his mama.
My friend Billy is so ugly his mama fed him with a slingshot.
Yo mama's so short you can see her feet on her driver's license.
"Takes two green lights to cross the street."
I think the OP was asking more about "mom jokes" as a holistic genre, IE, droll humor used by moms, instead of dads.

Peggy Hill, is probably the best example of this. Mike Judge captured well the early 90s suburban mom. Similar to dad jokes, but in an effort to be smarter, are just that much more awkward and less funny.
That got me thinking, is there such a thing as a Mom joke? I asked my wife, and she told me a fairly weak joke, which I think is the first time I've ever heard her tell a joke, and we've been together for 25 years. So, in your experience, is there such a thing as a Mom joke?

What Mom say is no joke.