[POLL] Have you felt sick or tested positive for COVID since Jan 2020?

Have you tested positive or felt sick in the past 2.5 years?

  • I have tested positie for COVID

    Votes: 67 42.4%
  • I have not tested positive for COVID but felt sick sometime since January 2020

    Votes: 35 22.2%
  • I have not tested positive for COVID and have never felt sick since January 2020

    Votes: 56 35.4%

  • Total voters


Final Approach
Jan 1, 2015
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Apparently COVID has been going around as several of my coworkers have tested positive recently. One even got it twice. The most recent was one I was in a meeting with and sat 6 inches away for an hour and a half. Most of that time, we were talking and discussing so I got plenty of exposure. The very next day he tested positive. This was 2 weeks ago and I've never felt better during that entire time. As a matter of fact, I've never felt sick at all in the past 2.5 years. No cold, no flu, no fever, no aches and not even so much as a sniffle or sneeze.

Just curious if anyone else is in the same boat.
I've been wearing N95 masks in public since I got back from Australia in March of 2020. I had two scares on exposure. One of the guys I worked with in the Ops building at Oshkosh came down with it a day or two after the show. Fortunately, we have an extensive volunteer database about when and where people worked during the show so I was able to cross-reference all those who had worked with him. All negative.

Then a while back I was having my piano tuned. I had kept my distance for much of it but he offered to show me how to do a few strings myself, so we were fairly close while I tried my hand at it. He tested positive a couple of days later. I tested again and was OK.
Got Covid in January 2022. Was congested for a day then felt fine. I had the J&J vax. I don’t ever get sick so when I got Covid that was like the first time I got “sick” in years.
incomplete options.

anyway I tested positive (home test kit), and had a mild sore throat for a couple of days. big nothing burger.

I had worse colds (i.e., common cold).
It’s a crap shoot.

My older daughter had it twice yet no one else got anything not even her younger sister and the two are cheek and jowl, plus sleeps in the same room. Both time she had one day of very mild symptoms like an itchy throat or one side stuffy nose.

On the flip side younger kid got us all sick with something just last week, got better and now she has 2nd something in two weeks. Tested twice for COVID and negative.

Two weeks ago I was also at a company event where we crowed the whole project team of 130 people into a hall. Few masks. And I had to have mine off to be loud enough to be heard over the sim. Only person to get sick from it was the hated COO. So now we are like “Yeah, we gave the SOB COVID!”.

Note that this is with everyone very much vaccinated. We all have our max allowed number of shots in Canada.
Tested positive for Covid last fall. It was honestly on par with the cold that I seem to get every year about the same time and I was very surprised by the positive Covid test. Very, very mild (fortunately) and I've been far sicker with the flu a few times in my life.

I completed the requisite quarantine, but felt fine well before I tested negative. I hadn't been around too many people leading up to that, but I notified the folks who I thought I could have been around. I think the worst part of the whole ordeal was the multiple nasal swabs for the Covid tests - not pleasant - or that I was stuck at a backwater Hilton Garden Inn for the quarantine period. The only food delivery options out there were Moes and Panera, which got old very quickly.
Neither my wife nor I have gotten it butbI'm not surprised to see a number of reports of people getting it for the first time. Combination of more social interaction, more resistance and generally milder symptoms (both natural and via vaccination) make it almost inevitable.
I got it in February of 2020. Came back from a trade show where about a third of the attendees were from China. Felt off for about a day week later. can't even say I really had any symptoms just something didn't feel right. A week later my brother got absolutely destroyed by it. So I brought it back to Michigan before it was a thing in the US. My brother then got it again a year later all the symptoms and everything were exactly the same just not quite as bad as the first time. So I can say with extremely high confidence that I had it even though I've never tested positive.
I must have the immune system of Superman. I never get sick, I haven't been sick with anything in years.
Had it recently. It was nothing DayQuil/NyQuil couldn’t handle. I’ve had worse colds. Really only one day it affected me, didn’t even have stuffy nose or cough. Unvax’d.
yes.....but, my answer isn't on the poll. Never tested. I test for antibodies every 6 months. After 1.5 years they're still high as ever. Don't believe the crap the media says. Labcorp has the data. All six of us, to include my 88 yo MIL got it....and did not get it a second time. We are exposed repeatedly....still good here.
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During my last physical my antibodies were off the chart (>2500). Clearly had it at some point, but was asymptomatic. My kids had it in Dec 2021, so probably got it back then, or some other time, but kits were in short supply so never tested.
My wife just turned 65. She has had two Pfizer vaccines and a Pfizer booster. She tested positive about 5 weeks ago. She felt pretty crappy for about a week but tested negative 10 days after her first symptoms.
She was feeling better last week but then on Sunday she felt awful. Her heart rate was around 150. By time I got her to the emergency room her heart rate was 225 and they admitted her immediately.
Drugs to reduce the rate only brought it down to around 130. They diagnosed atrial flutter so the next day she underwent cardiac inversion, which seemed to fix things. She feels quite a bit better now, but still not 100%.

I am 70, overweight, have high BP, and have Sinus and breathing issues (use CPAP) and I drink too much. I never got it. Home test kit, doctor test kit and send out PCR were all negative for me.
Go figure. The biggest difference is that I have been taking a vitamin D3 supplement.
I started feeling like I was getting a cold last Wednesday (a week ago). On Thursday, I felt pretty lousy. Took a home test… positive. By Friday, this thing knocked me on my ass. Sickest I can ever remember being. Fever of 103.6, aches, chills, and the absolute worst sore throat I’d ever had. So bad I couldn’t swallow even sips of water. I was starting to worry because I knew I was getting dehydrated but couldn’t take in liquids. Made it through Friday, and slowly turned the corner. Been progressively getting better, and all that’s left is a hint of a the sore throat, and some congestion.
Had it last year (confirmed positive). Basically a cold except for loss of taste/smell (which have only returned about 85-90%) and a moderate to severe feeling of being out of breath after minimal activity. The latter would occur when I climbed my stairs each night to go to bed, lasted for about 2 weeks, and was on par with trying to run after a long layoff or injury.

However, in November of ‘19, I was knocked on my you-know-what by what I thought at the time was the worst chest cold ever. Coughing until I’d get tunnel vision, living on DayQuil/NyQuil, and at least a month of being unable to do any cardio without the coughing returning once my heart rate went up. Of course at the time I had no clue, but I am now convinced it was COVID. At least five others at my work had the same symptoms at the same time, and at least two of those I know later tested positive for the antibodies.
I started feeling like I was getting a cold last Wednesday (a week ago). On Thursday, I felt pretty lousy. Took a home test… positive. By Friday, this thing knocked me on my ass. Sickest I can ever remember being. Fever of 103.6, aches, chills, and the absolute worst sore throat I’d ever had. So bad I couldn’t swallow even sips of water. I was starting to worry because I knew I was getting dehydrated but couldn’t take in liquids. Made it through Friday, and slowly turned the corner. Been progressively getting better, and all that’s left is a hint of a the sore throat, and some congestion.

It's crazy how it affects everyone different. The first 20 people I know that got it, only knew they had it because mandatory testing after exposure to someone else who tested positive. I got it, and only felt off. My sister and uncle whom I work with in close prox, never even felt off. My brother, he also works with us, destroyed for a week. My mom, who if someone is going to get sick it's her, was knocked on her ass for 3-4 days, but back to 95% within a week. My dad who NEVER gets sick. I mean never, ended up in the hospital for a week with it, had all the symptoms including loss of taste/smell and then on oxygen at home for a month. But once he hacked up all the fluid in his lungs, was back to 100% in 2-3 days. My soon to be 97 year old grandmother who has been in a care facility for the past 7 years and has gotten it twice, only had an elevated temp for about 18 hours the first time.

My buddy's family who went full nuclear with avoidance and vaccines and masks, and everything, still got it, and 3 of the 4 of them got utterly destroyed. The youngest who they were worried the most about, not even a sniffle.

Edit: soon to be 97, not 87
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I was one of those 'crazies' that was travelling fairly heavily the past couple of years, so I know I had to have been exposed to it. Had a few instances of head/chest cold, but that is not a super abnormal thing for me. Never got tested, but statistics would probably say based on the number of people I was in close proximity to (airports, planes, shuttle buses, restaurants), I was most likely exposed and I would assume at least one of my chest/head cold battles was probably from flying the -19. Never been tested.
It's crazy how it affects everyone different. The first 20 people I know that got it, only knew they had it because mandatory testing after exposure to someone else who tested positive. I got it, and only felt off. My sister and uncle whom I work with in close prox, never even felt off. My brother, he also works with us, destroyed for a week. My mom, who if someone is going to get sick it's her, was knocked on her ass for 3-4 days, but back to 95% within a week. My dad who NEVER gets sick. I mean never, ended up in the hospital for a week with it, had all the symptoms including loss of taste/smell and then on oxygen at home for a month. But once he hacked up all the fluid in his lungs, was back to 100% in 2-3 days. My soon to be 87 year old grandmother who has been in a care facility for the past 7 years and has gotten it twice, only had an elevated temp for about 18 hours the first time.

My buddy's family who went full nuclear with avoidance and vaccines and masks, and everything, still got it, and 3 of the 4 of them got utterly destroyed. The youngest who they were worried the most about, not even a sniffle.
You’re right. It’s so strange who and how people are affected by this. I’m jabbed and boosted and it was horrible like I said in my earlier post. My brother (unvaxxed) got it a few months ago. He said he had the worst sore throat he’d ever had (no other symptoms) and he was over that in two days. <shrug>
Tested positive after being vaccinated back in 2021. Just slept a lot for a few days
Had it in January. Worst part was the terrible headache and sinus congestion. Caught it from girlfriend and lasted about a week.
I was one of those 'crazies' that was travelling fairly heavily the past couple of years, so I know I had to have been exposed to it. Had a few instances of head/chest cold, but that is not a super abnormal thing for me. Never got tested, but statistics would probably say based on the number of people I was in close proximity to (airports, planes, shuttle buses, restaurants), I was most likely exposed and I would assume at least one of my chest/head cold battles was probably from flying the -19. Never been tested.
This ^ for me, except I can’t recall having had anything severe enough to have had a fever or caused me to think I was sick. Did the JnJ shot 14 months ago, no follow ons.

I honestly can’t recall the last time I had a cough/cold or fever.
Yeah, can't answer the poll accurately without an option for "tested positive for Covid AND have felt sick since Jan 2020". I have tested positive for Covid twice (also only been tested three times). Only felt under the weather for 24hours or so, but it was mostly just a mild headache and general achiness like youd get with a light case of flu/cold. I had also been fully-vaccinated for a few months prior to that episode. The first time I tested positive was December 23rd, 2021, in which I had zero symptoms at all but we tested the whole family before a planned trip to do Xmas Eve activities with extended family. Trip cancelled even though no one ever got ill.
I voted 'no' but it is also very possible that I had it and had no symptoms to speak of.
I've gotten through 2.5 years without a problem. Last Friday, some idiot on an American flight decided they needed to travel more than everyone around them didn't need to get sick.

Quarantining at home right now, day 4 past the first symptoms and I'm well over the hump. I think fever has broken.

I really, really need to get my own plane and stop flying cattle class.
incomplete options.

anyway I tested positive (home test kit), and had a mild sore throat for a couple of days. big nothing burger.
yes.....but, my answer isn't on the poll.
I think the poll covers it. When I say "tested positive", I meant any range of symptoms from none to death. And when I say "felt sick", I meant anything: common cold, flu, gastroenteritis, leprosy, plague, etc. also with any range of symptoms.
I think the poll covers it. When I say "tested positive", I meant any range of symptoms from none to death. And when I say "felt sick", I meant anything: common cold, flu, gastroenteritis, leprosy, plague, etc. also with any range of symptoms.
"testing positie" doesn't imply anything other than testing positive. Could be a false positive.
I tested positive back in January (Thursday) after developing a fever at work (we tested temps every morning back then). I slept a lot for 2 days and then nothing after that. Tested negative on Sunday, Went back to work on Monday. I have the J&J vax.
One of the problems associated with the 'rona is how wildly different infections can be. Some people are barely affected, a million of them died.
I think the poll covers it. When I say "tested positive", I meant any range of symptoms from none to death. And when I say "felt sick", I meant anything: common cold, flu, gastroenteritis, leprosy, plague, etc. also with any range of symptoms.
No....I never "tested positive".
I am the oldest in my family, I was warned early on that I am most at risk. I did get the 2 vaccines early on but no booster.
I am the only one in my family of younger brother and sisters who have not gotten sick from it. Several of them has gotten it twice. No body died thankfully. I have not been sick in years thankfully.
In early 2020 when we were closing work early to stay home, I spent all my spare time flying by myself staying 3000' away from everyone in the air!! lol
We went out to get our second booster. They were out of Moderna but had plenty of Covid.
We were pretty sick for a while. We're 84 & 82.
We're still not back to 100%.
I’ve felt sick a few times, but never bad enough to feel the need for testing or the need to seek medical attention.

As I worked at the office (could not WFH) and traveled with friends extensively (perfect time to travel, no crowds, good prices), I’m 99.99% sure I’ve been exposed.
The poll needs another choice:
I don't know if I got it. Many people are asymptomatic.
"testing positie" doesn't imply anything other than testing positive. Could be a false positive.
I agree and what if you do test positive? Do you do anything different if you didn't test positive and still felt sick? I really don't get the "you better go get tested"
When you get sick you stay home until you get better, to me covid does not change that.

My wife got the booster shot and felt sick for 5-6 days. That is when I decided not to get the booster jab.
I agree and what if you do test positive? Do you do anything different if you didn't test positive and still felt sick? I really don't get the "you better go get tested"
When you get sick you stay home until you get better, to me covid does not change that.

My wife got the booster shot and felt sick for 5-6 days. That is when I decided not to get the booster jab.

Wife felt under the weather for a bit after the second shot. I felt nothing either time.
I had a cold just before all of the insanity broke out. No idea if it was cv19 or typical winter rhinovirus.

We have a friend who has not been able to taste anything for a year. We took her to a particularly... flavorful... restaurant that we enjoy and she was super happy because she could sort of taste the (entire) garlic clove she ate that was alongside her breakfast potatoes.

I'm vaxed but mainly because I wanted normalcy in travel and dining.
I was doing great until I had to travel on commercial flights to Philadelphia and spent three days at a major unnamed aircraft manufacturer.

It was determined they were trying to eliminate my team, since we were such a nuisance to them... :rolleyes::rolleyes: