Any updates on the LSA/LPA changes?


Jun 29, 2013
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With Oshkosh approaching wondering if they are going to announce anything?

I had read somewhere that LPA was scrapped as being overly complex.
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I had read somewhere that LPA was scrapped as being overly complex.

IIRC most of everything was thrown away to begin again but then it was hinted that a few of the better ideas remained. Who knows what is gonna happen. The way it looks now, by the time they get something passed we won't be able to afford the fuel to fly them anyways ... o_O
Betting that announcement - if made - will have lots of words but offer no detail, no substance, and no news. I hope they prove me wrong, but I doubt they will.
Just like last time. If no corroborating no FAA announcement (just like last time) it will burn hot then fade out without further mention (just like last time).

who sees a pattern.
Betting that announcement - if made - will have lots of words but offer no detail, no substance, and no news. I hope they prove me wrong, but I doubt they will.

Well, if there's any truth to the 12/31/2023 deadline and the 16 month NPRM there should be something coming out...
Aren’t airplane prices high enough now without putting more customers in the market.
Well, if there's any truth to the 12/31/2023 deadline and the 16 month NPRM there should be something coming out...
Since when did the FAA ever care about deadlines, even those "mandated" by Congress. They ignored them whenever they want.

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Since when did the FAA ever care about deadlines, even those "mandated" by Congress. They ignored them whenever they want.

I seem to recall BasicMed rolled out on time and I know the FAA would have done ANYTHING to delay or stop that if they could. But, I don't follow the FAA and congressional mandates that closely so if you have evidence of the FAA ignoring congressional mandates I'll concede the point...
I can't help but think that a simple congressional amendment law - which could be packed on the back side of a farm subsidy or spotted owl law, anything - would change everything and make the need for this go away. "Basic Med shall not require a prior FAA medical".

Anyone wanting to fly on a drivers license can just get Basic Med. If some doctor thought you might have ADHD 40 years ago and wrote it somewhere, it wouldn't get in the way. I suppose that means that Sport Pilot license would go away as there would be no need, given that those pilots could now get a PPL.

For a bonus, sure - go ahead and allow any plane with 6 or fewer seats to have the same self certification that LSA has now. New airplanes could be made larger to make more usable but kept small enough to almost be affordable. Or you could fly a legacy plane that met Basic Med requirements.
I can't help but think that a simple congressional amendment law - [...]- would change everything and make the need for this go away. "Basic Med shall not require a prior FAA medical".
Except that it was congress that put in the "gotta have an FAA medical to fly without an FAA medical" clause.
Yes - that’s the point. It would take congress to do that. I don’t think they would violently object today with all the data we have - assuming they were interested enough to look.

Have some clever congress person tack it to the end of an obscure bill right before a recess. No one would notice or care enough to block it.
Yes - that’s the point. It would take congress to do that. I don’t think they would violently object today with all the data we have - assuming they were interested enough to look.

Have some clever congress person tack it to the end of an obscure bill right before a recess. No one would notice or care enough to block it.

They seem to have some good success at midnight before a major holiday ...
But, I don't follow the FAA and congressional mandates that closely so if you have evidence of the FAA ignoring congressional mandates I'll concede the point...

I’m still waiting for my Pilot Certificate with my picture on it as required by Congress. But I look enough like Orville Wright now so that’s good enough for now.

I doubt that anything of meaning will be announced at Oshkosh since the Administrator has resigned and there’s an “Acting” Administrator in charge now. Doubt he’s going to approve anything and take the flack if anybody is upset with the proposed change.

I seem to recall BasicMed rolled out on time and I know the FAA would have done ANYTHING to delay or stop that if they could...
What makes you think the FAA wanted to delay or stop it? I heard that they had something similar ready, but that the Department of Transportation stonewalled it, thus providing the motivation for Congressional involvement.
What makes you think the FAA wanted to delay or stop it? I heard that they had something similar ready, but that the Department of Transportation stonewalled it, thus providing the motivation for Congressional involvement.

Yes - that’s the point. It would take congress to do that. I don’t think they would violently object today with all the data we have - assuming they were interested enough to look.
And they won't be interested unless something's in it for them. Pilots simply aren't a large enough voting block to matter,