In TEN years the Average Air Taxi Will Be Cheaper Than an Uber

NorthEast Ohio

Pre-takeoff checklist
Jul 4, 2020
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NorthEast Ohio
Summary 2:

Get a job writing for some web "news" site
Take money from the guys in previous summary to print an article that helps them find morons to invest
The article is about 2 months and 8 days late.

And there aren't even 4000 airports anymore.
Craig Fuller mentioned today on Twitter, where are the hangars for all of these VTOL's going to come from?

If you don't know who he is, he is the founder of Freight Waves (which has predicted a lot of what is going on in the economy these days) and also the guy that bought Flying Magazine when he turned over Freight Waves to his team to run and needed a new challenge.
Utter horse crap. Has there even been a single revenue flight yet?
And why operate them out of GA airports, which if they're not located on the far edge of town by the prison and the landfil are already under pressure of being closed.
Just what we need to add to that pressure is a constant stream of arial weed eaters.

If these things are going to be so safe and ultra convenient then build the infrastructure in downtown so Mr Silk Necktie is close to his destination.
Didn’t even read the article, but it’s dreamy nonsense. Can’t even solve the existing problems with GA now, and these ‘air taxis’ won’t start to help.
I remember an old Popular Mechanics that stated there would be daily flights to the moon by the year 2000. And settlements on the moon by 2025.

Better get in line now....
Well seeing as everyone is currently riding in autonomous ride hailing electric cars the transition to air should be easy and profitable!
Because flying between airports is a valid substitute for Uber AND it's difficult to fly between airports now? It's a joke post, right?
Stuff we were promised a long time ago. One from 1981, another from 1967. I'm still waiting.


Crooks, and gullible or dishonest journalists, have been fooling people for a long, long time. 1961:


One from 1955. Look at what it says in the paragraph I outlined in yellow.


POAers, don't believe a word of articles that push this stuff. Not until someone has a machine that actually carries several people for an hour or two and can pick them up off a rooftop and drop them off on another rooftop, quietly and safely, can we believe these people. And THAT is more than ten years away. It involves technology we do not have, just like the pictures above involved technology we did not have then and still don't have now, even after over 60 years.
And why operate them out of GA airports, which if they're not located on the far edge of town by the prison and the landfil are already under pressure of being closed.
Just what we need to add to that pressure is a constant stream of arial weed eaters.

If these things are going to be so safe and ultra convenient then build the infrastructure in downtown so Mr Silk Necktie is close to his destination.

From a General Aviation perspective, I see the use of GA airports as a feature rather than a defect. The more that John Q Public sees the preservation of the airport potentially benefiting him, the less demand for local politicians to shut down airports.

Also, there is no such thing as Mr. Silk Necktie any more.
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The Jetsons sure have influenced a lot of people over the years. And then there is EPCOT, “if you..had wings, had wings” Eastern Airlines was the sponsor then?
The Jetsons sure have influenced a lot of people over the years. And then there is EPCOT, “if you..had wings, had wings” Eastern Airlines was the sponsor then?

Magic Kingdom. “Wings” predates EPCOT by 10+ years.

(Sometimes I just have an urge to pick a nit...)
So was it Space Mountain? The jingle is still in my distant memory, but maybe the local isn’t.
I thought Trevor was getting close to an earlier idea with those fire extinguishers strapped to his legs ...

So was it Space Mountain? The jingle is still in my distant memory, but maybe the local isn’t.

Space Mountain is also in the Magic Kingdom.

If You Had Wings was one of my favorite rides in the park when I was a kid.
OK, so the ride matched the song/jingle. I went to both parks numerous times when young just forgot the details.
The worst part of this particular assertion is that a personal aircraft could ever possibly be cheaper than ground transport. Especially an eVTOL. The energy required to beat the air into submission is always going to be higher than rolling transportation - even if it could be done at all.