Post count before Necropost


Aug 26, 2017
Phoenix, AZ and Ensenada, Mexico
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We have an issue of some people, new to the forum, coming in and accidentally <?> reviving a years-old-thread that likely has most of the contributors to it long-gone.

Such as with @side241 recently, whose current post count of two are all necroposts.

Could we make a (insert qty here) post count required before someone can bypass the Necropost speedbumps?

Thanks for the consideration.
I still vote for 25 posts minimum before you can post. It solves so many of these problems. Scammers, trolls, necroposters...
When I ran a big forum I created a “shadow ban” feature. It essentially hid all posts they made from the entire community except for the poster. So they thought everyone was ignoring them and usually went away on their own.
Shadowbanning is all the rage these days. Its like the compassionate execution option lol.
Could we make a (insert qty here) post count required before someone can bypass the Necropost speedbumps?
I will check the back end panel to see if there’s a place I can make an adjustment.
I'm amazed at the number of "ejection handle pulled" people. Oops was I supposed to say that?
You’d be surprised how many of the necro posters are bots or spammers that are verified by IP. That’s generally why the whack-a-mole happens so quickly. :)
We have an issue of some people, new to the forum, coming in and accidentally <?> reviving a years-old-thread that likely has most of the contributors to it long-gone.

Such as with @side241 recently, whose current post count of two are all necroposts.

Could we make a (insert qty here) post count required before someone can bypass the Necropost speedbumps?

Thanks for the consideration.
Why? I don’t get the problem with old threads being resurrected from the dead. Replying to a particular post in it and asking a question usually gets a response from someone that tells the newbie that guy may not be around anymore to answer. What’s the big difference between reviving a can you go direct thread and starting a new can you go direct thread.
You’d be surprised how many of the necro posters are bots or spammers that are verified by IP. That’s generally why the whack-a-mole happens so quickly. :)
Why do bots & spammers seem to target necroposts? Do they think we won't notice? Maybe we can use necroposts as a sort of honeypot somehow.
Why? I don’t get the problem with old threads being resurrected from the dead. Replying to a particular post in it and asking a question usually gets a response from someone that tells the newbie that guy may not be around anymore to answer. What’s the big difference between reviving a can you go direct thread and starting a new can you go direct thread.
The problem with reviving necroposts is that other people see what looks like a "new" thread and start replying to the first few posts in the thread, often by somebody who hasn't been seen here in years.
The problem with reviving necroposts is that other people see what looks like a "new" thread and start replying to the first few posts in the thread, often by somebody who hasn't been seen here in years.

again, so what? who cares? especially if they are adding a new perspective.
I still vote for 25 posts minimum before you can post. It solves so many of these problems. Scammers, trolls, necroposters...
How do you post 25 times before you can post - unless you mean 25 responses until creating a new thread???
Maybe once a thread is like 2yrs old the original poster should have to approve the new necro post. If approved so be it. If the OP is long gone or doesn't want it revived its their choice.
For a new member there are no old threads. Everything is new. We should just sit back and enjoy the ride. Reminisce about hosing down engines on post flight and crashing airplanes we can’t sell to get insurance money.

some folks need to loosen up their panties a little.
Necroposters know that they are necroposting because they get this warning and are required to check a box. This was done to discourage them. Not sure what the time limit was before this warning appears.

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The worst is posting to a 10 year old for sale ad and asking if it's still available...
Am I the only one that really likes necropists being revived?

In fact my favorite posts are the one where somebody accidentally revives one of these five-year-old threads and then posts again saying "sorry I just realized this was a dead thread" but it's too late because other people have already started chiming in.
For a new member there are no old threads. Everything is new. We should just sit back and enjoy the ride. Reminisce about hosing down engines on post flight and crashing airplanes we can’t sell to get insurance money.

some folks need to loosen up their panties a little.
Howsa bout a POA Classics forum. Not like stickys that are meant to convey valuable information. But the funny stuff. Newbies miss out on cool stuff that got so old they just never see it. I remember the hosing down the engine thing. But the crashing planes to get insurance I haven’t. I’ll nominate the chick kisses airplane one.
Howsa bout a POA Classics forum. Not like stickys that are meant to convey valuable information. But the funny stuff. Newbies miss out on cool stuff that got so old they just never see it. I remember the hosing down the engine thing. But the crashing planes to get insurance I haven’t. I’ll nominate the chick kisses airplane one.
I think @eman1200 should be the moderator of the new sub
Necroposters know that they are necroposting because they get this warning and are required to check a box. This was done to discourage them. Not sure what the time limit was before this warning appears.

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I think it is when the thread is about a year old, at least that is the newest thread that I personally have seen it on. :)
I’m going to set a 2 year reminder to necropost to this thread if it over dies down.

I for one don’t mind most of the necroposts since I haven’t been around but a few years. I always check the original date of the thread and get the gist before going to the end to avoid the accidental piling on. Maybe have an option to request the mods allow the post if it’s really old first? Sounds like a lot of work for them through. Either way, not too big of deal to me.
I'll admit - I saw Everskyward's post about the warning people get and for about 3 seconds I was confused and trying to figure out if we had a 8 year old post about necroposting...