Dam I am almost out. What do you...

Gary Ward

Pattern Altitude
PoA Supporter
Jan 16, 2020
Cincinnati, Ohio
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Use for your windows?
Should I go for another gallon jug of the Mcfarlane window cleaner? I think it is cheaper than Plexus? But does Plexus work better? I think I am satisfied with dam? I fly a few days a week so I am cleaning bugs almost after each flight. I think my windows are staying in good shape compared to Plexus? I only use clean microfiber towels on the windows. The blue sponge is used to get the bugs off the leading edges.
To clean: 1 cup isopropyl alcohol + 1 cup water + a squirt of plain Palmolive or Sunlight dish detergent in a squirt bottle. All round good window cleaner.
To polish: Lemon Pledge
I'm a plexus fan. I've not found anything else to work nearly as good. Water & alcohol cleans but doesn't wax, pledge waxes but doesn't clean well. Plexus does both. It's expensive, but a can lasts a long time.
Prist. It’s the best imo.
I use clear view foaming spray. But it’s a bit pricey. Would like to follow to pick up other ideas.
I use Turtle Wax and Dry for widows and cleaning bugs off leafing edges of wings, nose cowl, prop, etc. Spray it on, wipe with a damp cloth.
I use wash and wax in a spray bottle for bugs. Spray the leading edge from side to side start over cleaning with a wettened by the sprayer, microfiber towel.
The PlanePerfect Eyes Outside (sold by one of the boardies here) was a pretty good cleaner.
Who is best supplier for this stuff? Rejex one gallon more than $18 more at Amazon than mypilotstore which I’ve never seen before. Are there any excellent but little known aviation suppliers?
I use Turtle Wax and Dry for widows and cleaning bugs off leafing edges of wings, nose cowl, prop, etc. Spray it on, wipe with a damp cloth.

I’ve found Turtle Wax Ice Detailer to be the best thing I’ve used on Plexiglass and for spot detailing. Better than Pledge because it wipes off more easily.
Plexus is expensive per can but each can lasts a very long time. It’s such a low cost per use why worry about it.
Plexus is expensive per can but each can lasts a very long time. It’s such a low cost per use why worry about it.
Thanks for everyone's input.
Lemon pledge has been suggested many times over the years, maybe I'll try it?
I wash my windows so much that a can of plexus does not last me very long and seems expensive. I am not sure if it is better than Dam.

So no one else here uses Dam?

A gallon of dam cost 66 bucks about the same as 3 cans of plexus. I am not sure which one last longer.

I started out using plexus about every 3 or 4th time in between using dam. But lately just using dam.
Thats funny I used pledge for 20 years on my windows and after the last one of these threads I tried plexus. And I like it better than pledge.
If there is something abrasive on the windshield use your bare fingers to gently dislodge first and flood it off with water to keep from scratching.
Who is best supplier for this stuff? Rejex one gallon more than $18 more at Amazon than mypilotstore which I’ve never seen before. Are there any excellent but little known aviation suppliers?
Look to non-aviation suppliers as both Rejex and Plexus are used in other venues. Rejex is big in the marine side and Plexus has a large following in the motorcycle world. My best prices were with these types of suppliers. And watch the cost/ounce rates has sometimes its cheaper to go with smaller containers than large containers.
If there is something abrasive on the windshield use your bare fingers to gently dislodge first and flood it off with water to keep from scratching.

Great advice and especially if you have Lexan as it is great for impacts but scratches easily. Flood it with water and use mild soap to clean. I was also taught to only wipe in one direction when cleaning Lexan.

I use Pledge for Lexan (windscreen) and Plexiglas (canopy) and spray Turtle wax to wipe down the plane after a flight. Keeping it wiped down frequently means I don't have to wash it as often.
Spray bottle of water - spray the leading edges and the windows. The with clean cloth, spray edges again (by now the bugs have gone soft) in one hand, towel in the other and go along the edges again. Get clean soft cloth, same on the windows. Finish with another very soft cloth and pledge on the windows. I’ve had the 50+ yr old airplane for 20+ years, that windshield is still in great shape except for the scratch left by someone’s belt buckle (not me!) when they were reaching for something while working on the engine.
I used Lemon Pledge on a past plane I had until a fellow mechanic informed me it plays hell if you intend to re-paint your plane. So I stopped using it. It was nice because the bug splats would wipe off easier.
I had until a fellow mechanic informed me it plays hell if you intend to re-paint your plane. So I stopped using it.
FYI: there are a number of waxes/sealants a lot more durable than Pledge than will not affect a re-paint with the required prep. About the only thing that does affect a re-paint or can affect a new paint warranty is the application of ACF50/CorrX within a certain time frame prior to the paint job. Or more importantly the improper application of those same preventatives.
I did buy another gallon of Dam from Mcfarlane, cost 59 bucks. That is about 3 cans of Plexus. Pretty sure a gallon with last me longer than a 3 cans of Plexus?

I use that blue sponge with water and a drop of soap for lube when I clean my leading edges of bugs. Then about every 3rd cleaning I spray the plane with AeroGlaze and let it dry. Then wipe it off with clean cotton towels I get from home. Wife loves to buy new bath towels.
I have Aeroglaze in the pressurized metal sprayer. Squeeze sprayers don't last long enough with the glaze. I fly the plane most weeks 3-5 days a weeks so lot's of bug cleaning during the warm months. Thanks for everyone's ideas.
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