Skybeacon firmware upgrade


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jan 6, 2019
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I need to upgrade the firmware on my Skybeacon and per the guide I need to use a laptop running an app on the laptop. I poked around and could not find a way to upgrade the firmware with my iPad running Foreflight and the Skybeacon setup app. Is there a way to do the firmware upgrade via my iPad or is the laptop the only way to do it?
I need to upgrade the firmware on my Skybeacon and per the guide I need to use a laptop running an app on the laptop. I poked around and could not find a way to upgrade the firmware with my iPad running Foreflight and the Skybeacon setup app. Is there a way to do the firmware upgrade via my iPad or is the laptop the only way to do it?

I would help if you are near to PHL, but don't know where you are.
The firmware can be updated via your device's web browser, pointing it to your beacon's ip address.
(Of course, the firmware file (extracted from the .zip) will need to be on your iPad, available to be used in the process.)

uAvionix will likely walk you through this if you give them a call.
I did the upgrade using a laptop and I “think” the upgrade was successful. The Skybeacon does report version 1.15.1 which is good. I am located at 17N (Cross Keys, NJ) and took a short flight to N14 (Flying W) and back. The Skybeacon does show my squawk code but the calibration date is my previous flight on 7/10. FlightAware shows my flight so it must have transmitted the ADS-B info. The wording in the manual states the calibration will only be updated for a flight of “significant duration”. The flight duration was only 18 minutes each way, maybe not of “significant duration”? Will contact them about what is considered “significant duration”.

Arnold, thanks for the offer to help.
I just got my PAPR report and no red areas. Getting the report was magnitudes easier than the firmware upgrade! Thanks Cap’n!