Trip Planning

Craig Valentine

Filing Flight Plan
Apr 19, 2020
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Wing X Pro used to be fantastic for Trip Planning. They had all the facilities listed at each airport along with what they did and phone numbers. Additionally, lists of hotels and restaurants, and the distance to them. Also, lists of taxi companies as well as if there was an airport car and restrictions on that car. Once I had an electrical problem in the air, diverted to a different airport over 100 miles away due to the Wing X listing, and the company was able to quickly fix the issue.

Wing X Pro stopped doing this and I can’t find it on Garmin Pilot. Now I scramble on Google trying to figure everything out and it’s more difficult and unsatisfactory compared to the old system.

How do you plan?
I don't think I've ever even considered looking at garmin pilot for hotel or taxi information, but GP does give you fbo information, phone #'s, and services. and now that I look closer, it also gives rental car companies. I'll still never use GP for that, but it looks like it's there in at least some basic form.
FBO reviews is something foreflight has that none of the other efbs do, at least not in any useful way. GP does have info on fbos and services, but I wouldn't trust it for flight planning; it's more of a "I need to divert, now what?" resource. Airnav is the best source I've found by far. For more rural airports a Google and Facebook search will often pull up a page with at least some useful information. I also often check If I need to use a car.
If trying to get somewhere it’s mostly just weather, airport facilities/Notams & fuel price. Even with that I often end up somewhere I hadn’t planned. With current/very recent weather available & Notams it’s easy to adjust on the fly.

Unless way out in the sticks one can find a way to get food, bum a ride or delivery. In a way, adjusting on the fly is good practice for when a diversion is necessary, for whatever WX, mechanical, or whatnot reason. With most apps(Garmin Pilot here) most can be checked while flying.
I do rough drafts of longer trips with skyvector and airnav.