ATC vector distance from FAF.

James Hines

Filing Flight Plan
Aug 21, 2019
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Is there a legal (regs) distance from the FAF that ATC are supposed to have you established on an approach? I've read about 'the gate' but am not sure where it actually resides. Any information would be gratefully received.

I've had a few instances recently where ATC have vectored me (intercept angle of ~30 degrees) straight at the FAF leaving me little time to get established, descend, etc.

Except as provided in Paragraph 7−4−2, Vectors for Visual Approach, vector arriving aircraft to intercept the final approach course:
a. Atleast2milesoutsidetheapproachgateunless one of the following exists:
1. When the reported ceiling is at least 500 feet above the MVA/MIA and the visibility is at least 3 miles (report may be a PIREP if no weather is reported for the airport), aircraft may be vectored to intercept the final approach course closer than 2 miles outside the approach gate but no closer than the approach gate.
2. If specifically requested by the pilot, aircraft may be vectored to intercept the final approach course inside the approach gate but no closer than the final approach fix.
EXCEPTION. Conditions 1 and 2 above do not apply to RNAV aircraft being vectored for a GPS or RNAV approach.
b. Provide a minimum of 1,000 feet vertical separation between aircraft on opposite base legs unless another form of approved separation is established during turn-on to final approach.
c. For a precision approach, at an altitude not above the glideslope/glidepath or below the minimum glideslope intercept altitude specified on the approach procedure chart.
d. For a nonprecision approach, at an altitude which will allow descent in accordance with the published procedure.
A pilot request for an “evaluation approach,” or a “coupled approach,” or use of a similar term, indicates the pilot desires the application of subparas a and b.
e. EN ROUTE. The following provisions are required before an aircraft may be vectored to the final approach course:
1. The approach gate and a line (solid or broken), depicting the final approach course starting at or passing through the approach gate and extending away from the airport, be displayed on the radar
scope; for a precision approach, the line length must extend at least the maximum range of the localizer; for a nonprecision approach, the line length must extend at least 10 NM outside the approach gate; and
2. The maximum range selected on the radar display is 150 NM; or
3. An adjacent radar display is set at 125 NM or less, configured for the approach in use, and is utilized for the vector to the final approach course.
4. If unable to comply with subparas 1, 2, or 3 above, issue the clearance in accordance with Paragraph 4−8−1, Approach Clearance.
FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 4−8−1, Approach Clearance. FAA Order JO 7110.65, Para 5−9−2, Final Approach Course Interception.
a. Assign headings that will permit final approach course interception on a track that does not exceed the interception angles specified in TBL 5−9−1.
TBL 5−9−1
Approach Course Interception Angle
Section 9. Radar Arrivals
Distance from interception point to approach gate
Less than 2 miles or triple simultaneous approaches in use
2 miles or more
Maximum interception angle
20 degrees
30 degrees
(45 degrees for helicopters)
APPROACH GATE- An imaginary point used within ATC as a basis for vectoring aircraft to the final approach course. The gate will be established along the final approach course 1 mile from the final approach fix on the side away from the airport and will be no closer than 5 miles from the landing threshold.

I didn’t take the time to select only relevant but everything you seek is here.
If they turn you in too close or too high tell them, ask them to take you around again. If it's not right, don't do it.
Is there a legal (regs) distance from the FAF that ATC are supposed to have you established on an approach? I've read about 'the gate' but am not sure where it actually resides. Any information would be gratefully received.

I've had a few instances recently where ATC have vectored me (intercept angle of ~30 degrees) straight at the FAF leaving me little time to get established, descend, etc.

Is there a legal (regs) distance from the FAF that ATC are supposed to have you established on an approach? I've read about 'the gate' but am not sure where it actually resides. Any information would be gratefully received.

I've had a few instances recently where ATC have vectored me (intercept angle of ~30 degrees) straight at the FAF leaving me little time to get established, descend, etc.


We calls that the ‘slam dunk.’
If they turn you in too close or too high tell them, ask them to take you around again. If it's not right, don't do it.

^^^This. I might have left the word ‘ask’ out of it though and thrown in an ‘unable’