Interesting report on the P-51


Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 25, 2005
Wichita, KS
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What report?

It's on a need to know basis - and guess what :D
looking forward to reading. Did something get deleted?
Wow. I never knew they were implementing stealth technology back then...
And comments just written in cursive. Who writes in cursive now for engineering documents? Very nice to see some actual test info as opposed to the endless opionating we usually get.
Cool, wish I had had that document when i was actually designing a replica Mustang.
I also learned my new word for today "Theodolite", even though I used one while building the tooling, I didn't know that was the name for it.

One piece of technology that is rarely mentioned is the “Meredith Effect”. The belly scoop where the cooling radiator is presents a lot of drag. This really smart guy, Meredith, came up the theory that cold air heated and with the proper ducting can actually produce thrust. This was applied to the P51 and the amount of thrust produced by cold air being heated by the radiator and discharged out the back is slightly greater than the amount of drag induced by the belly scoop. Hence the scoop drag is cancelled out by the thrust produced by the Meredith effect. There are smart guys out there and I am not one of them,
Great find. It would be interesting to compare the performance in this report (Allison engine) with a similar report of the airframe equipped with the R-R Merlin.
You do know that forgetting to put links in your own thread is a sure sign of...ahhh....ummm... What is it called when old folks forget things a lot.?? :lol::lol:

CRS disease. CRS stands for Can't Remember Sh&^. Nothing to worry about, as noted above it's "normal" for us "older" people.
One piece of technology that is rarely mentioned is the “Meredith Effect”. The belly scoop where the cooling radiator is presents a lot of drag. This really smart guy, Meredith, came up the theory that cold air heated and with the proper ducting can actually produce thrust. This was applied to the P51 and the amount of thrust produced by cold air being heated by the radiator and discharged out the back is slightly greater than the amount of drag induced by the belly scoop. Hence the scoop drag is cancelled out by the thrust produced by the Meredith effect. There are smart guys out there and I am not one of them,

Imagine that!
thanks for reporting about it!
One piece of technology that is rarely mentioned is the “Meredith Effect”. The belly scoop where the cooling radiator is presents a lot of drag. This really smart guy, Meredith, came up the theory that cold air heated and with the proper ducting can actually produce thrust. This was applied to the P51 and the amount of thrust produced by cold air being heated by the radiator and discharged out the back is slightly greater than the amount of drag induced by the belly scoop. Hence the scoop drag is cancelled out by the thrust produced by the Meredith effect. There are smart guys out there and I am not one of them,

Maybe Peter should look into this for the Raptor. It has plenty of hot air!