An assumption I'm blaming on Briany


Final Approach
Nov 4, 2015
Vail, Arizona
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While eating breakfast yesterday at Ritchey's cafe at Ryan airfield, I observed a guy walk in from the ramp wearing one of Briany's "Satire" tee shirts. I asked him, "So you're a fan of Bryan Turner?" He looked at me with that, "Bryan who? look"
"Your tee shirt."
"Oh, yeah."
"Are you on the forum?"
"I'm more of a lurker...which forum?"
"Pilots of America"
blank stare

I should have just gone with, "big gulp eh? Alrighty then, see ya."
Could have been worse. You might have run into a landscaper wearing a "Rod's Lawn Service" or "Larry's Home & Garden" tee. ;)
While eating breakfast yesterday at Ritchey's cafe at Ryan airfield, I observed a guy walk in from the ramp wearing one of Briany's "Satire" tee shirts. I asked him, "So you're a fan of Bryan Turner?" He looked at me with that, "Bryan who? look"
"Your tee shirt."
"Oh, yeah."
"Are you on the forum?"
"I'm more of a lurker...which forum?"
"Pilots of America"
blank stare

I should have just gone with, "big gulp eh? Alrighty then, see ya."

Maybe he got it at Goodwill?

There was a small company I worked at that gave out tee-shirts with the company logo on it, pretty ugly shirt actually. About 3 weeks later a local paper was interviewing homeless people, they took a picture of a homeless guy and he looked spiffy in the new company's tee shirt. It was pretty funny, no one would own up to dropping their shirt off to the local charity.
BTW @Pilawt, if you ever see a guy based at Goodyear with glasses and a healthy black beard flying a Grumman Tiger, that's the guy.

If the guy in question is a lurker here and reading this? Totally kidding man, however, join in the conversation and come meet us at some Arizona fly in we have every so often.
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If the "other day" was a day other than Saturday, then I was ghosting you at work. ;)
There was a small company I worked at that gave out tee-shirts with the company logo on it, pretty ugly shirt actually. About 3 weeks later a local paper was interviewing homeless people, they took a picture of a homeless guy and he looked spiffy in the new company's tee shirt.

Not so long ago some teenagers that were hired as summer help for our school district were wearing their district supplied, logo equipped, t-shirts when they went into a convenience store to rob it. Wasn't too hard to figure out who these geniuses were ...
Maybe he got it at Goodwill?

There was a small company I worked at that gave out tee-shirts with the company logo on it, pretty ugly shirt actually. About 3 weeks later a local paper was interviewing homeless people, they took a picture of a homeless guy and he looked spiffy in the new company's tee shirt. It was pretty funny, no one would own up to dropping their shirt off to the local charity.

Years ago I worked for a guy that made us wear a hat, shirt, and jacket with his logo on it any time we were at work. Made me feel like a NASCAR driver. When I finally quit, I donated it all. It made me laugh to think there were homeless folks all over Atlanta sporting his company garb. :)
Not so long ago some teenagers that were hired as summer help for our school district were wearing their district supplied, logo equipped, t-shirts when they went into a convenience store to rob it. Wasn't too hard to figure out who these geniuses were ...
Good thing Bryan doesn’t merchandise masks,’d be tough to pass up the combination for a good heist. ;)
Years ago I worked for a guy that made us wear a hat, shirt, and jacket with his logo on it any time we were at work. Made me feel like a NASCAR driver. When I finally quit, I donated it all. It made me laugh to think there were homeless folks all over Atlanta sporting his company garb. :)
I’ve been looking for the homeless guys wearing my old pilot uniforms...
ALL of them wear mine, shorts and a tee shirt. Mine are a bit cleaner though.
I used to work with a guy who raced All American NASCAR series on the weekends, got pretty good rankings, quit his day job, and ended up with a team of two cars and drivers. He did pretty well, and opened up a local auto service shop. A guy at my gym was wearing one of his tee shirts, and I asked him "Oh, you know Bill XXX?" He didn't have a clue.

Small world though. Turned out my CFI/chief of flight school had a car that raced that series too, and had the paddock next door to my former co-worker. During one BFR, we burned off the last ten minutes circling his race car so he could take aerial pictures of it.
Not so long ago some teenagers that were hired as summer help for our school district were wearing their district supplied, logo equipped, t-shirts when they went into a convenience store to rob it. Wasn't too hard to figure out who these geniuses were ...

About 12 years ago the new movie theater opened up here in town. First open weekend every seat was sold for each screen for every showing. (6 screens)

During the last showings on that first weekend on Sunday night these 3 guys and 1 girl walked in all masked up and robbed the place. With guns.

They were identified very easily, since they were still wearing their clothes they had on while working at the theater earlier in the day. Polyester vest with name tags....

Sometimes you really got to wonder.
Bryany is bigger than PoA and well known outside of it... and web forums are old skool... people know him mostly from the big commercial social media platforms.

Blank stares from most pilots about PoA are the norm, not the exception. least he wasn’t wearing a Gold Seal t-shirt - who would do that?
You were eating at Ritchie’s ? ...

How is it these days? Rather bad ham abc cheese there a few years ago.

A few years ago it was Todd's. It became Ritchey's exactly three years ago yesterday. It is our breakfast gathering spot before work every Saturday and I have no complaints.