Reply/Post ONLY with Movie Quotes

"A monoplane. Are you telling me you're building me an airplane with only one wing?"
"The Truth? You can't handle the truth!"
“Do you believe in destiny?”

“I believe a man must do what he can,,,,,,,,,until his destiny is revealed.”
“I love hitmen. No matter what you do to them, you don't feel bad.“
Faster, faster, must go faster
"Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries."
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more!"
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
"Yeah. Now all you have to do is hold the chicken, bring me the toast, give me a check for the chicken salad sandwich, and you haven't broken any rules.

You want me to hold the chicken, huh?

I want you to hold it between your knees."
Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means 'a whale's vagina'.
"...when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the **** you're talking about?! Yosemite?!!!

We sure used to be. We stood up for what was right! We fought for moral reasons, we passed and struck down laws for moral reasons. We waged wars on poverty, not poor people. We sacrificed, we cared about our neighbors, we put our money where our mouths were, and we never beat our chest. We built great big things, made ungodly technological advances, explored the universe, cured diseases, and cultivated the world's greatest artists and the world's greatest economy. We reached for the stars, and we acted like men. We aspired to intelligence; we didn't belittle it; it didn't make us feel inferior. We didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election, and we didn't scare so easy. And we were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed. By great men, men who were revered. The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one—America is not the greatest country in the world anymore."

(The only word spoken in the entirety of Mel Brooks' 'Silent Movie'. The genius move was that he brought in Marcel Marceau to deliver the line.)
"Life is a series of rude awakenings"
-R.V. Winkle

"When old friends get together, everything else pales to insignificance"
-War, Famine, Pestilence and Death

"War may be Hell... but it's good for business!"
-The Association for
Merchants, Manufacturers,
and Morticians
“Ray, when someone ask you if you are a God, you say YES!”

You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is 'never get involved in a land war in Asia' - but only slightly less well-known is this: 'Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!' Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
You mean you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword, and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?
"Toto, I've got a feeling we're. It on the AOPA Red Board anymore...."
My Morse is so rusty, I could be sending him dimensions on playmate of the month.
"So what now, Jack Sparrow? Are we to be two immortals locked in an epic battle until Judgment Day and trumpets sound?"
Jean-Pierre Sarti:
Before you leave I want to tell you something. Not about the others, but about myself. I used to go to pieces. I'd see an accident like that and be so weak inside that I wanted to quit - stop the car and walk away. I could hardly make myself go past it. But I'm older now. When I see something really horrible, I put my foot down. Hard! Because I know that everyone else is lifting his.​

Louise Frederickson:
What a terrible way to win.​

Jean-Pierre Sarti:
No, there is no terrible way to win. There is only winning.​