Getting a 3rd class medical after a heart attack


Filing Flight Plan
Oct 27, 2018
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I had a heart attack more than 5 years ago. I want to start flying again. Is it possible to get a 3rd class medical?
I had a heart attack more than 5 years ago. I want to start flying again. Is it possible to get a 3rd class medical?

There will be some tests to do and some documentation to gather to prove you're in good health. For a third class medical these include
A current cardiovascular evaluation that must include**:
  • Hospital Admission History and Physical report;
  • Hospital Operative report;
  • Hospital Discharge summary;
  • All diagnostic test results, including complete ECG treadmill tracings (originals or legible copies) and make, model, and serial number of implanted stents, if applicable.
  • Cardiologist report including:
    • An assessment of personal and family medical history
    • Cardiac examination and general physical examination
    • Blood chemistry profile with fasting plasma glucose level and total cholesterol with HDL, LDL, and triglycerides
    • A comment regarding your medication, the dosage, and frequency of use
  • A maximum exercise treadmill stress test demonstrating functional capacity equivalent to completion of Stage III (9 minutes) of the 12-lead Bruce protocol.
** this is from AOPA's website

Some reading for you:
I contacted the hospital and they no longer have my medical record of the heart attack. They said the records were purged a few years ago.
I contacted the hospital and they no longer have my medical record of the heart attack. They said the records were purged a few years ago.
Check with your cardiologist and see what is available from him/her.

@bbchien and @lbfjrmd .... any other wisdom regarding obtaining the required records or being unable to?
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