ADS-B Sourcing and Installing


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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Why does everything in aviation have to be a PITA?

So I am looking to add the GDL-82 to both planes.
They are for sale everywhere online, chiefs, sporty's, ebay even.

My MX said it needs to be sourced through a Garmin dealer and installed by a Certified Garmin installer. Is that correct? I can't just order it from Sporty's and give it to an IA and pay them to install?
I believe the GDL82 is "over the counter", so you can buy it from anywhere and have your A&P install it and IA sign it off.
This from the Q&A section on the Aircraft Spruce website:

"The GDL 82 can be installed by an A&P, and does not require purchase or installation through an avionics shop. The A&P must be able to test the transponder to verify the installation."
Why does everything in aviation have to be a PITA?

I'm with ya brother. I'm trying to order parts for my engine, namely the oil filler tube. There is more than one part number listed and the parts manual says it requires two per engine.

Don't want to hijack the thread but Spike and Jesse got it right.
Your MX is incorrect. Ref the Q&A above. I just completed installation of a GDL 82 in my airplane with my A&P's signoff. He does them all the time. Cost me $150 for "supervision" and filing the 337. Completed the validation flight last week, perfect.
There are some ADSB solutions that Garmin isn't selling except through dealers, like the GTX-345 and GNX-375, but if you can buy it from spruce with the STC (not an experimental version) like the GDL-82 then you are GTG.
What is the ballpark cost for installation? I got a quote for $2,800 just for the labor
$2,800 should cover equipment and labor at least, if not a tank of gas to boot.
... -.- -.-- -... . .- -.-. --- -.

Spoils the look of the sleek and sexy official Cirrus lights on the wing. Might disqualify one from the free bottled water on the red carpet benefit. ;)
This from the Q&A section on the Aircraft Spruce website:

"The GDL 82 can be installed by an A&P, and does not require purchase or installation through an avionics shop. The A&P must be able to test the transponder to verify the installation."

I installed an ESG, my A&P signed off on it and did the required W&B revision and other paperwork, then had an avionics shop do the 91.413 cert. Takes 15 minutes for them to do just the .413.... the .411 is obviously more involved. Your A&P does not have to be able to do the test, but you do have to have it done