Overhaul Options


Pattern Altitude
Jul 21, 2017
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Trying to decide between two reputable shops to overhaul my Lycoming O-360-A4M. One shop includes the following items in the overhaul:

New mags vs overhauled
New camshaft vs regrind
New Oil Pump - Not sure on whether it is an overhaul item or required replacement
New Starter vs overhauled starter

It appears the difference in price reflects the new components above. My question is whether it's worth to have the above new items or is an overhaul of them OK? This is my first and likely last overhaul so I want to make sure I do it right.

Go new Mags. and Cam/lifters, the more new stuff you can place in the engine the better you are.
Ignore the infant mortally folks, that is a rare occasion, and on the overhaul it will be covered by warrantee.
What is the price delta?
What shops are you talking about, you may get better responses from people that have used those shops.
What kind of mags? Usually slicks are so cheap there’s no point. (Pun intended?) Bendix can usually be IRANed NOT OVERHAULED, overhaul means something legally specific.
What shops are you talking about, you may get better responses from people that have used those shops.

I would rather not say as I don't want to potentially pit to companies against each other in a public forum. They're both reputable, one just includes more new items in the overhaul...
What kind of mags? Usually slicks are so cheap there’s no point. (Pun intended?) Bendix can usually be IRANed NOT OVERHAULED, overhaul means something legally specific.

They're slicks, I was wondering myself about the economics of overhaul vs new...
I personally wouldn't rebuild a Bendix starter for any amount of money. I'd replace it with a lightweight SkyTec instead. My Bendix was nothing but trouble once it started to go. The SkyTec has been trouble-free and has a much stronger motor. It's also quite a bit lighter.
I personally wouldn't rebuild a Bendix starter for any amount of money. I'd replace it with a lightweight SkyTec instead. My Bendix was nothing but trouble once it started to go. The SkyTec has been trouble-free and has a much stronger motor. It's also quite a bit lighter.
+1. I love my sky-tec
They're slicks, I was wondering myself about the economics of overhaul vs new...

Mike Bush has a video about it. Both can be IRANed where the knowledgeable person replaces only what needs replacing, or overhauled where they must replace everything the manufacturer says is an overhaul, or new.

The big Bendix have more metal stuff inside and can usually be IRANed until something actually is worn out. The Slicks have a lot of plastic stuff inside that can be brittle even if it looks fine.

Then when you get quotes there’s often not too much difference between an already overhauled one and doing an IRAN and the trusted shops will have them ready to go on shelves.

New also might not be that much higher.

So it becomes a price question and a “who do you trust” question.

Also kinda depends on which Bendix if it’s a Bendix. Slick are all about the same inside apparently. Or so folks say.

Certainly gives a warm fuzzy in IMC after a few hours are on one.

Mike had an interesting stat. Almost NO pilot who experienced a mag failure in flight with a rough running engine remembered to try switching to operation on one mag in an informal poll he did of failure victims.

Which is off topic but an interesting aside. And maybe sad.
P.S. I’m in the no Bendix starter rebuild camp also. Just talking about the mags.

The only must must must do in the lightweight starters is NEVER exceed their cranking time limits without letting them cool all the way down before trying again. Heat is deadly to them.
Hope so....

ERZ-8011 against the 149L

9 starts is already somewhat ridiculous. It’s broken. Get out and find a mechanic. Ha.

But there’s something suspicious about that video. Is that smoke really coming from the starter or the wiring insulation leading to the starter? You can’t see the actual smoke point from that crappy hand held angle shot.

They’re also realistically letting the battery go dead and when voltage falls, current rises...
9 starts is already somewhat ridiculous. It’s broken. Get out and find a mechanic. Ha.

But there’s something suspicious about that video. Is that smoke really coming from the starter or the wiring insulation leading to the starter? You can’t see the actual smoke point from that crappy hand held angle shot.

They’re also realistically letting the battery go dead and when voltage falls, current rises...

It's not the battery dying; its the starter overheating. No clue where the smoke is coming from. I have the ERZ-8011 and it turns the prop significantly faster than the 149 it replaced. The main advantage to me was on hot starts.
They're slicks, I was wondering myself about the economics of overhaul vs new...

Slick IRAN and 500 hr inspection is $500, new, depending on model anywhere from 900 to 1600
I have the Sky-Tec starter, it’s pretty awesome, way better my Bendix

Trying to decide between two reputable shops to overhaul my Lycoming O-360-A4M. One shop includes the following items in the overhaul:

New mags vs overhauled
New camshaft vs regrind
New Oil Pump - Not sure on whether it is an overhaul item or required replacement
New Starter vs overhauled starter

It appears the difference in price reflects the new components above. My question is whether it's worth to have the above new items or is an overhaul of them OK? This is my first and likely last overhaul so I want to make sure I do it right.


If I am flying 200 hours a year and the engine will reach TBO in 10 years, get all nw parts. If you fly 50 hours a year you will have cam corrosion be for TBO. Go cheap.
It's not the battery dying; its the starter overheating. No clue where the smoke is coming from. I have the ERZ-8011 and it turns the prop significantly faster than the 149 it replaced. The main advantage to me was on hot starts.

Ahhh I see. Yeah it could be melting the wiring from its own heat.
Unless the overhaul shop is giving you a real deal, why buy from them? these appliances can all be bought from after market suppliers.
If it were my engine I'd put new Bendix Mags on it.

Slick is the poster child for infant mortality, look up the AD list on Slick mags
I haven't been able to find a Bendix equivalent for Slick 4370/4373, does one exist?
Call TCM parts desk, tell them the application, they will give you the numbers.
There probably won't be a direct replacement, but they will have the proper mag by application.
I would consider one of the EI options we have today, even Lycoming is offering one.

Really can't think of a reason to go new unless your parts turn out to not be salvageable. Never heard of a case where refurbished parts were the cause of an overhaul. For the next owner it might be a selling point to have new parts but will likely not increase the value any.
You didn’t answer the direct question. So I assume it’s not. And not an option for the OP.

Sure I did, I gave you 2 plus 1 that’s working on it.
Hopefully the OP is not as lazy as you and can do a simple web search.

Sure fly has an option to replace one mag with their e-mag for certificated engines. I believe they now allow variable timing for certain lycoming as well.

Cool. It was an honest question. Last time I looked the certification was just a pipe dream.
Sure I did, I gave you 2 plus 1 that’s working on it.
Hopefully the OP is not as lazy as you and can do a simple web search.

That’s not how it was worded.

As far as your lip about searches, I’ll say what I’d say in person if I had an honest question and you answered that way.

F*** off.