KMD 150 - any use fore it?


Line Up and Wait
Sep 27, 2018
N Central FL and GTC Bahamas when off work
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ATP-H, CMEL, CSEL, CFI/CFII Airplanes and Helicopters
Tomorrow I am taking delivery of a plane that has a KMD150 in it. From what I can tell, it's a very antiquated system that is VFR only.

I normally fly with a GMX200, G530 and G430 as well as a G5 in the company aircraft but have no real knowledge of the KMD150 (I did fly with an 850 a few years ago though.)

The current plan is to use foreflight for most of my flying but the KMD150 us connected to the A/P so that might require me to use the KMD just a bit!

Any suggestions?
It’s an early moving map unit designed to work with the basic GPS systems available before the GPS 480 (and its Apollo predecessor), so functionality is pretty limiting. If it works, keep it for now, but I wouldn’t drop a penny into it. What other avionics are included?
I installed a KMD 150 in my 172 in 2004 and kept the database updated frequently. It worked well for me as a VFR pilot. Replacing the internal battery was expensive, requiring a return to Bendix-King, but otherwise I liked the screen size and sunlight readability.

Yours must have the built in gps. The battery replacement doesn’t look too bad, think I’d go for that. Wonder how much the database updates are. And if you need anything extra to run the update.
Yours must have the built in gps. The battery replacement doesn’t look too bad, think I’d go for that. Wonder how much the database updates are. And if you need anything extra to run the update.
Yes; I bought the version with the built-in GPS receiver. The battery replacement looks pretty straightforward for anyone with low wattage soldering experience on printed circuit boards.
I meant for K9medic, since he doesn’t have any other GPS. The screen on yours looks pretty useable for what it is. I can see why you’re keeping it.
Thanks for the link to the Vans site. Looks like something to tackle over a weekend. I'll use Foreflight (notice the subtle "use fore" it in the title?) in the meantime.

I'm headed out to the airport in 15 minutes to do the acceptance flight!

This is my current stack. The King is handy for SA, and it will drive the autopilot, but I mainly use the GNS 430 and ForeFlight on the yoke VFR. (Will start IFR training in about a month.)

Right I’m pricing removing the King, the 430, and the KX165 and going back with a GTN 750 over a 650, and exploring what might be done behind the panel now to make installing a GFC 500 easier later. (If Garmin ever get it approved.)

I expect the $$,$$$’s to be breathtaking. :eek:
Looks like it makes a good mirror. :)
This afternoons update after taking delivery.

Kmd150 says battery is dead and says “no fix” and will not display a location.

According to the power on screen it has an internal gps. I also have an external gps antenna.

Any thoughts?
Do you have a copy of the KMD 150 Pilot's Guide? It's a 169 page manual that explains all the screens and some basic trouble shooting. I think with "NO FIX POSSIBLE" you need to check the GPS Status Screens to start by making sure it's seeing satellites, how many satellites, and the satellites' signal strength.

If you don't have the manual, I can email you the pdf file (10.1 Megabytes). PM me with your email address, or email me at k4drd at
>>> Replacing the internal battery was expensive, requiring a return to Bendix-King

Replaced the battery twice in my old unit, 30 to 40 mins of your time plus the cost of the battery.... there is a full write up on Vans forum.
Thanks all. I was able to track down the manual and see that NO FIX is in fact an antenna issue as I suspected. I check the connectors on the antenna so it might be a configuration setting.

I'll have a chance to dig into it more next week.
A word of caution if you decide to replace the battery...

Use an anti-static wrist grounding strap to prevent damaging sensitive surface mount devices as a result of static discharge from your fingers. They're cheap insurance.

I have something similar I bought from Radio Shack ages ago. Haven’t lost anything to static with it, though I have an antistatic mat as well.
If you can make it work, the KMD150 is reasonably useful as a situational awareness aid.

Before you drop the big coin on the Garmin GPS/Comm, check out the Avidyne 440, which can slide right into the same tray that the Garmin 430 uses. You'll likely need new GPS antenna and (perhaps) antenna cable, but installation cost savings would be huge. I have the IFD440, love it.
I started doing some research. If I can’t get this thing to work I will probably keep it and drop a gx155xl in it as a cheap ifr gps.

If not I’ll pull the kmd150 and put in a docking station for an iPad along with the 155xl.

On a side note - I have a narco digital dme. Does anybody ever use these ?

My work ride is all glass panel and its been years since I’ve messed with or had a need for a separate DME.