Approved ADS-B with anonymous while 1200?


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
Is there a unit that will do this? Will the FAA allow it? I know some of you like to broadcast your every dump, meal, stubbed toe, and what not on all the social sites, but I am not that kinds of person. If I'm going to be 1200, I don't want everyone in the world to be able to track me.

If that's a definite no go from the FAA, then I will be installing a toggle switch after install or I will have continual breaker issues that turn the unit off.

But is there a unit that will be anon while 1200?
It is an option on some UAT units, but isn't available on any 1090 ES units.
I was under the impression it was against the regs to disable ADS-B if your airplane is equipped with it.
I was under the impression it was against the regs to disable ADS-B if your airplane is equipped with it.

It's also against the regs to taxi to the gas pumps without putting on my seat belt, but I do that every time as well. I can't help a faulty breaker.
My understanding is that the GDL 82 has an install option that always broadcasts anonymous when on 1200 or gives you the option at install to run a toggle switch to the panel to turn that feature on and off. Others have similar features.
Is there a unit that will do this? Will the FAA allow it? I know some of you like to broadcast your every dump, meal, stubbed toe, and what not on all the social sites, but I am not that kinds of person. If I'm going to be 1200, I don't want everyone in the world to be able to track me.

If that's a definite no go from the FAA, then I will be installing a toggle switch after install or I will have continual breaker issues that turn the unit off.

But is there a unit that will be anon while 1200?

Absolutely no reason a bloke can't install ADS-B out capable transponder like a GTX330ES in addition to the dumb old transponder, turn on the one you want to use.
My understanding is that the GDL 82 has an install option that always broadcasts anonymous when on 1200 or gives you the option at install to run a toggle switch to the panel to turn that feature on and off. Others have similar features.

I can't confirm the info, but someone mentioned they have never flown IFR or flight following and always squawk 1200 and with anonymous switched on and flight aware still knew the airplane's registration number. IDR which equipment they had.
Absolutely no reason a bloke can't install ADS-B out capable transponder like a GTX330ES in addition to the dumb old transponder, turn on the one you want to use.

That is also a consideration of having two transponders.
Absolutely no reason a bloke can't install ADS-B out capable transponder like a GTX330ES in addition to the dumb old transponder, turn on the one you want to use.

Wouldn't this be an issue?

91.225 (f) Each person operating an aircraft equipped with ADS–B Out must operate this equipment in the transmit mode at all times.
Absolutely no reason a bloke can't install ADS-B out capable transponder like a GTX330ES in addition to the dumb old transponder, turn on the one you want to use.
I'll have to remember this when I finally decide to upgrade, if ever.
Wouldn't this be an issue?

91.225 (f) Each person operating an aircraft equipped with ADS–B Out must operate this equipment in the transmit mode at all times.

Like I said, I also taxi to the fuel pumps without putting my seat belt on. It will be in transmit mode, it just won't have power supplied to it.
My Navworx is anon on 1200, at least as far as flightaware goes. No track unless I file or get ff. But that unit comes with it's own issues. I saw one advertised brand new in box with transmon for $500 not long ago. If you have a 430W or other amoc approved position sensor that would be a cheap way out. For all the heartache and rending of garment, the thing works great.
If Uavionics gets their stuff approved, you can make it anonymous for 1200
GDL 82 has that option as well.
I can't confirm the info, but someone mentioned they have never flown IFR or flight following and always squawk 1200 and with anonymous switched on and flight aware still knew the airplane's registration number. IDR which equipment they had.

Was it a Mode-S xpndr?
my transponder has the option of entering the ID....or not. GTX 330ES. It ain't all that hard to reconfigure it and go rogue.
I'd rather not upgrade but as I do fly IFR, I'm kinda stuck.

It is my understanding that IFR flight has nothing at all to do with ADS-B equipment. My understanding is that one can fly IFR unrestricted as long as you stay below 10,000 ft and outside of class C and class D airspace.

Perhaps someone can post a link to the reg that requires ADS-B for IFR ops.
It is my understanding that IFR flight has nothing at all to do with ADS-B equipment. My understanding is that one can fly IFR unrestricted as long as you stay below 10,000 ft and outside of class C and class D airspace.

Perhaps someone can post a link to the reg that requires ADS-B for IFR ops.

In my case I am transiting a class C (above and through) area that requires it.
Is there a unit that will do this? Will the FAA allow it? I know some of you like to broadcast your every dump, meal, stubbed toe, and what not on all the social sites, but I am not that kinds of person. If I'm going to be 1200, I don't want everyone in the world to be able to track me.

If that's a definite no go from the FAA, then I will be installing a toggle switch after install or I will have continual breaker issues that turn the unit off.

But is there a unit that will be anon while 1200?


Sadly as can be seen from ADSB worx, it did not please the crown
I knew the Big Brother box was working properly during my last flight when I got a text from a friend 1500 miles away, “You went flying. I’m jealous.”

Always nice to know the spy system is working.
I’m curious as to what kind of fun things you guys are planning that you don’t want anyone to see.
I’m curious as to what kind of fun things you guys are planning that you don’t want anyone to see.

Well not getting texts from halfway across the country that a friend is watching me would be nice.

You can sign up for alerts on any N-number with FlightAware without providing real identifying info for up to three aircraft, and the owner of said aircraft has no say in who’s allowed to track it, even VFR 1200.

I can think of a number of ways to script as many usernames as one wants on FA to track as many as you like, and a number of ways that criminals could utilize that information.

Most light aircraft aren’t exactly known for their high security door locks or inability to jump start them easily. Stealing avionics or entire aircraft that someone wants would be a cinch.
I’m curious as to what kind of fun things you guys are planning that you don’t want anyone to see.
I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want somebody tracking you in your automobile or bicycle or motorcycle or boat or whatever everywhere you go. Why should we tracked by the general public in our airplane everywhere we go?

If people know I'm single and then they see that my plane is gone they know that my house is available to be broken into. I don't like to broadcast my every action.
The FAA has an address you can use to register for ADS-B blocking. The FAA will see your info but it won't be shared publicly. There are two levels of blocking. I chose source blocking. Fleet operators have a different option that allows them to see their planes but blocks them from public viewing.
The FAA has an address you can use to register for ADS-B blocking. The FAA will see your info but it won't be shared publicly. There are two levels of blocking. I chose source blocking. Fleet operators have a different option that allows them to see their planes but blocks them from public viewing.

Well the government is today more of threat to mainstreet American compared to your average private sector criminal.

Plus if you know the tech, you know the joke in blocking a N number with ADSB out, and that’s from someone who’s had source level blocking from the start.
If you don't want the FAA to see you? Turn it off. Better yet, move to a different country.
If you don't want the FAA to see you? Turn it off. Better yet, move to a different country.

Per the constitution, if you want to violate my 4A and not “stay in your own lane” you and your government can move to another country, or, as we did 200 or so years ago, well just make you leave, hence the 2A.

Your move
As usual, your yak yak bores me.

Perhaps it does, but history has shown those who try to play overlord in America... well, it turns out....poorly.
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Pay to play they will know who to send the bill to with ADS-B.
Well not getting texts from halfway across the country that a friend is watching me would be nice.

You can sign up for alerts on any N-number with FlightAware without providing real identifying info for up to three aircraft, and the owner of said aircraft has no say in who’s allowed to track it, even VFR 1200.

I can think of a number of ways to script as many usernames as one wants on FA to track as many as you like, and a number of ways that criminals could utilize that information.

Most light aircraft aren’t exactly known for their high security door locks or inability to jump start them easily. Stealing avionics or entire aircraft that someone wants would be a cinch.

Or knowing when someone is hundreds of miles from their home leaving it and its contents available for the taking...
I doubt any petty criminals are smart enough to use ads-b tracking in conjunction with the faa database, but it’s easy to get your n number blocked if that really is a worry. And regarding the government following you, I assume you don’t own a cell phone, right? Cause if you did, they could track you down anywhere. And don’t drive on the road, cause there are enough cameras out there that they can track you like that too. Oh and especially don’t use the internet.....oh wait, too late! They’re on to you, run!!!