If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans......

One problem with the video is the meat-eating guy should have looked a little more like this:

Don't see too many fat Vegans. They're out there, but there truly aren't many of them.
Have you ever encountered a happy vegan?
Cows are vegans (except for the calves that drink cow's milk). They ain't skinny.
Visit India some day. They have some skinny cows. They worship them but don't necessarily feed them well.
Don't see too many fat Vegans. They're out there, but there truly aren't many of them.

Hard to get fat when your food sucks so bad that you don’t want to eat enough of it to get fat.

Just kidding. I love veggies but I also love meat. Oh, and cheese. I really love cheese.
Hard to get fat when your food sucks so bad that you don’t want to eat enough of it to get fat.

Just kidding. I love veggies but I also love meat. Oh, and cheese. I really love cheese.
So yer the that cut the cheese
Should make the same video about atheists.

And bitcoin evangelists.
Don't see too many fat Vegans. They're out there, but there truly aren't many of them.

Come to my office some time. Lots of Indians and some of them are overweight and vegetarian.

Plenty of weight lifters eat a heavy protein (typically chicken) diet to help build muscle mass. They may be heavy, but they are not fat.

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The problem is that a vegetarian diet is mostly carbohydrates. It is difficult (not impossible, but difficult) for vegetarians to get enough protein in their diet to avoid carbohydrate bloat syndrome. And a lot of it has to do with genetics and personal disposition. Some people can process beans and synthesize proteins better than others. I'm not one of them. In fact most people aren't.
The problem is that a vegetarian diet is mostly carbohydrates. It is difficult (not impossible, but difficult) for vegetarians to get enough protein in their diet to avoid carbohydrate bloat syndrome. And a lot of it has to do with genetics and personal disposition. Some people can process beans and synthesize proteins better than others. I'm not one of them. In fact most people aren't.

SO, what you're saying is, you fart a lot? o_O
The problem is that a vegetarian diet is mostly carbohydrates. It is difficult (not impossible, but difficult) for vegetarians to get enough protein in their diet to avoid carbohydrate bloat syndrome. And a lot of it has to do with genetics and personal disposition. Some people can process beans and synthesize proteins better than others. I'm not one of them. In fact most people aren't.
There are also a couple of proteins that can only be found in meat and are critical for our health.
Come to my office some time. Lots of Indians and some of them are overweight and vegetarian.

This. When I visited India, we talked in the office about diet because I was trying to watch my carbs and that is very difficult to do on an Indian diet. What I was told is that their mindset is that getting fat is a sign of success and type II diabetes is a normal part of turning 40. Everyone has it.

I categorically reject that a vegetarian diet means a skinny person.
Come to my office some time. Lots of Indians and some of them are overweight and vegetarian.

I said Vegans. Different deal.

The problem is that a vegetarian diet is mostly carbohydrates. It is difficult (not impossible, but difficult) for vegetarians to get enough protein in their diet to avoid carbohydrate bloat syndrome. And a lot of it has to do with genetics and personal disposition. Some people can process beans and synthesize proteins better than others. I'm not one of them. In fact most people aren't.

First, you are a mutant. Your gastrointestinal experiences relate to no one else who does not share your malady. Second, a vegetarian diet can be whatever one wants it to be. Third, the normal human digestive system can process many, many different foodstuffs. Fourth, you are the only person I have ever heard say that one has to eat meat to stay skinny.

There are also a couple of proteins that can only be found in meat and are critical for our health.

What you are referring to are essential amino acids. Most microbes can synthesize all 20 amino acids given just precursors. We aren't so lucky, and have to eat about 10 of them. This really isn't a big deal, as most are readily found in plant sources. However, the amino acids histidine and lysine are not readily found in seed storage proteins, which are the source of protein for many vegetarians and most vegans. However, this is well south of a big deal, since these amino acids are plentiful in other protein sources like brown rice and nuts, and vegans all know this.
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The guys channel has a lot of really funny ones. This one is one of the best.

He actually has bits on both, bitcoin evangelists and atheists. I guess both are obvious targets if one is in the business of lampooning annoying people.

'being a bitcoin advocate is like the veganism of the financial world'
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I said Vegans. Different deal.

First, you are a mutant who's digestive system is completely out of whack. Your gastrointestinal experiences relate to no one else who does not share your malady. Second, a vegetarian diet can be whatever one wants it to be. Third, the normal human digestive system can process many, many different foodstuffs.

Vegans are a small difference from vegetarians as compared to the difference with omnivores. Some of the Indians are full vegan, some vegetarian, some eat chicken or fish (largely depending upon where they are from in India, coastal or inland). A rare percentage are omnivores, so far I've only seen that from christian Indians. Even those that are not strict vegan eat largely vegan. They'll occasionally have milk, but mostly they drink water.

I give serious grief to anyone that tells me they are vegetarian and they eat fish or chicken. That's not a vegetarian.

My next door neighbor sometimes says he doesn't eat meat. I correct him as he doesn't eat red meat. He eats everything else. His diet doesn't bother me, we just have chicken or seafood when we have dinner with him. I just get irked over the presentation that anything not red meat is not meat. o_O

Weird that the second paragraph above in the quote doesn't show in your post, but it does in the quote. :confused:
Fourth, you are the only person I have ever heard say that one has to eat meat to stay skinny.
The whole Adkins diet is based on the concept that you CAN (not HAVE TO) eat mostly meat and stay skinny. Years ago at my wife's behest I actually went Adkins for about 6 or 8 months. Lost 10% of my body weight (195 to 175) but, frankly, got tired of meat. She had the same experience. We concluded it's not sustainable simply because you get bored with it.

Well, then there are the financial and ecological consequences, but that's a whole different conversation that needs to start with population control. And there's already a thread about that!
There are skinny vegans and fat vegans. There skinny Indians and fat Indians. The two are unrelated.
Lets ad 'ketogenic diet* evangelists' to the list of annoying self-righteous pricks.

* as in the diet fad. Not related to the therapeutic use of ketogenic diet for childhood epilepsy
The whole Adkins diet is based on the concept that you CAN (not HAVE TO) eat mostly meat and stay skinny. Years ago at my wife's behest I actually went Adkins for about 6 or 8 months. Lost 10% of my body weight (195 to 175) but, frankly, got tired of meat. She had the same experience. We concluded it's not sustainable simply because you get bored with it.

Well, then there are the financial and ecological consequences, but that's a whole different conversation that needs to start with population control. And there's already a thread about that!

The problem with diets is exactly this. You were doing something to make yourself fat. So you go on said diet to get skinny. Whatever said diet is, its probably awful and you can probably only maintain it for a limited time. So you go back to whatever it was that was making you fat. Rinse and repeat.

What actually works in the long term is portion control and regular exercise. You can eat whatever you want, but you have to limit your portions, especially when eating calorie rich foods. If you need to loose weight, calories in should be less than calories out. Once your weight target has been reached, calories in equals calories out.

The other good thing about portion control is if you have the discipline to maintain it, your digestive will adjust until the new portion gives you satiety. It really does work.

And yes, there are fat Vegans, I'm related to one. I never said there weren't. I just said that they're rare, and I'll stick to that. The Indians you meet are in America and are rich. They're cousins back in India are lily Vegans because they can't afford meat or fowl, and I'll bet they're skinny. Most of the folks I've met in the third world are, and it isn't by choice.
Hmm - well, my wife is vegetarian - nearly vegan. I poke fun at her sometimes, especially when we go to "vegan dinners" (usually something about having a carrot, medium rare). The dinners really are interesting as most other food out there is made cheaply to maximize company profits - although that has gotten a lot better over the past 10 years or so. Put simply - some vegans act like jerks because they get tired of all the "cheats" used to make food which counts them out of options. I'm not a vegan, but I did get tired of "eating out" for a while for the same reason.

Anyhow, if you do NOT think what you put in your mouth affects how you feel, you really don't understand how your body works. Everyone is a little different and in my wife's case, "something" in meat was causing her to get sick. Not all meat, but likely something with how the animals were being raised. (And that touches off another thing I have to listen to at home I'll skip here.) What I have noticed about my own health is that since I eat more like my wife now - with a little meat on the side from time to time - is that I'm literally outliving my cousins. I'm also not as "round" nor do I have to take a pile of pills in the AM. I would say I just got lucky, but I'm betting diet played a larger role than many will accept.

Here are my observations:
- that "big guy" just needs to operate LOP - that's a hard one to admit, but unused calories mean fat for most of us
- An all meat diet will kill you! Everyone I know that "will not eat the color green" has serious heath issues!
- An all vegetable diet (vegan) DOES require a visit to your doctor. You will need dietary supplements - period.
- The mid-western diet of bacon, eggs, meat, potatoes, butter, milk, smoking, etc will punch up the probability of plugging your arteries.

The funny thing is, most people I know that have issues getting a 3rd class medical could get one if they simple changed their diet. Unfortunately, I'm not the richest guy in the world nor are the folks I know. You know where this is going: we poor folks are taught how to eat like SH**!

Unfortunately, I'll likely get more confirmation on my opinions at the next cousin's funeral. (Although one of my step brothers is likely next. Ugh ..)
The whole Adkins diet is based on the concept that you CAN (not HAVE TO) eat mostly meat and stay skinny. Years ago at my wife's behest I actually went Adkins for about 6 or 8 months. Lost 10% of my body weight (195 to 175) but, frankly, got tired of meat. She had the same experience. We concluded it's not sustainable simply because you get bored with it.

Well, then there are the financial and ecological consequences, but that's a whole different conversation that needs to start with population control. And there's already a thread about that!
Soylent Green? :D
We could add meat evangelists to the list too. I’m am not a vegetarian, but I have heard as many people lecturing others about being vegans as being meat-lovers. Just eat what you want and ignore the lectures.

I know someone who cooks without salt, which would be ok if she didn’t hide the salt shaker too.
The whole Adkins diet is based on the concept that you CAN (not HAVE TO) eat mostly meat and stay skinny. Years ago at my wife's behest I actually went Adkins for about 6 or 8 months. Lost 10% of my body weight (195 to 175) but, frankly, got tired of meat. She had the same experience. We concluded it's not sustainable simply because you get bored with it.

Actually that isn't Atkins at all, so I'm not surprised that you would get tired of it. If you make it about "eat meat", then despite the variation of meat, you're going to start hating it after a while.

The Atkins diet starts that way, but within a couple of months, has moved into something that nobody would recognize as a diet because it becomes just eating food while being aware of how our bodies are designed to process food. The goal is to teach you how to recognize what kinds and amounts of food are healthy for you personally. For some very active people that might be a whole pizza for dinner. For most of it, it becomes 6-8 oz of some kind of protein, a couple of side veggies, a dinner roll and maybe a low sugar load dessert. If you're really sedentary, maybe no roll. I don't know anyone who would call that a diet, it's just food, which is the point of learning to eat well.

Maybe my ancestors needed all the bread and potatoes when they were farm workers in Ireland, but sitting at a desk all day, I don't. And none of us need all that sugar that is out there.

Incidentally, a side effect of eating this way, besides losing about 30 lbs so far - my last A1C was 5.5 (down from a high of 6.8) and my doctor took me off one of my medicines. I still have a way to go, but eating this way I should be able to keep losing about 5 lbs a month and at some point maybe I'll reach 170. Maybe I never will reach that, but I'll be a far cry better than the the 275+ I started from.
We could add meat evangelists to the list too. I’m am not a vegetarian, but I have heard as many people lecturing others about being vegans as being meat-lovers. Just eat what you want and ignore the lectures.

I’d add “and don’t lecture others”. I have a few vegetarian and vegan relatives. One is preachy about their choice and I avoid having meals with her as much as possible. I don’t try to lure them back to meat and am happy for them if they are happy with their choice. But I am happy with my diet choice as well so they (especially the one) need to STFU.
Anyhow, if you do NOT think what you put in your mouth affects how you feel, you really don't understand how your body works. Everyone is a little different and in my wife's case, "something" in meat was causing her to get sick. Not all meat, but likely something with how the animals were being raised. (And that touches off another thing I have to listen to at home I'll skip here.) What I have noticed about my own health is that since I eat more like my wife now - with a little meat on the side from time to time - is that I'm literally outliving my cousins. I'm also not as "round" nor do I have to take a pile of pills in the AM. I would say I just got lucky, but I'm betting diet played a larger role than many will accept.

My family is suffused with cardiac events, hypertension, clogged arteries and every other kind cardiovascular dysfunction. My parents took handfuls of pills to try and regulate their out of control metabolism. I don't have any of those issues, I feel guilty going to see my doc. I do take a couple pills. One for gout, and a multivitamin.

At the Mooney owners forum at Oshkosh an MD got up and told everyone he had a secret that could help them loose weight, get their medicals and live longer. His big secret was a daily 30 minute walk.
My family is suffused with cardiac events, hypertension, clogged arteries and every other kind cardiovascular dysfunction. My parents took handfuls of pills to try and regulate their out of control metabolism. I don't have any of those issues, I feel guilty going to see my doc. I do take a couple pills. One for gout, and a multivitamin.

At the Mooney owners forum at Oshkosh an MD got up and told everyone he had a secret that could help them loose weight, get their medicals and live longer. His big secret was a daily 30 minute walk.

Walking (or exercise of some reasonable kind) is huge. But don't kid yourself - food is a big deal. My step brother is a good example. Likely the fittest of all of us. But the midwestern diet, smoking and bad genetics lined up to a bad deal.
I remember a doctor who once said that he had a daily magic pill to lose weight and be healthy. The only catch was that it was a little painful and it took 30 minutes to swallow.