Kennersly Airport, MD


Final Approach
Feb 22, 2005
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Do any of you know anything about this airport? I want to visit my sister, and it is the closest paved airport to where she is. It is private, and I can't seem to get even the contact information to find out if i can land there. Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks!
Try this ... gives a phone number.

I use to live not far from there ... but can't say I ever heard of it. From the looks of where it is, make sure you miss the DC ADIZ and Dick's house on the Eastern Short. We don't want to read about you in the papers.

Do any of you know anything about this airport? I want to visit my sister, and it is the closest paved airport to where she is. It is private, and I can't seem to get even the contact information to find out if i can land there. Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks!
... Eastern Short....

Spell it right!! It's bad enough we have to put up with you western shore guys coming over and sitting on our beaches. :)

As far as Cheney's house goes, it's in St. Michael's, which is on the Chesapeake Bay, west of Easton. I've forgotten the exact dimensions of the 'temporary' FR, but it's best just to stay away from it alltogether. It really made a lot of people mad when they imposed it, particularly as the TFR in Jackson Hole is only active when Cheney is at his house there.
Spell it right!! It's bad enough we have to put up with you western shore guys coming over and sitting on our beaches. :)

As far as Cheney's house goes, it's in St. Michael's, which is on the Chesapeake Bay, west of Easton. I've forgotten the exact dimensions of the 'temporary' FR,
1500 AGL and 1 nm radius -- the approximate lethal radius of a shotgun, but he only shoots lawyers, so only Adam and Spike need worry.:rofl: