How long before a med express application times out


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Dec 15, 2008
Alpine, TX
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A student of mine filled out an application submitted it and got his confirmation number. I'm wondering if that application times out and disappears in a period of time? I tried a search but couldn't find it.

This is in the FAQ at Med Express..........
Q. How long will my application remain in the system?
If your application is not submitted within 30 days of creation, it will be removed from the system. After your application is submitted, your medical examination must occur within 60 days or your application will be deleted. Once the clearance/certification process is complete, your application will be retained indefinitely.
If your student still needs to go for an exam, have him/her create another email address from a free service such as gmail or yahoo, then start the MedXpress fresh. The system is tied into the individual email, so if a fresh submission is the desire, a fresh email must be used.
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