Cancel Flight Following?

When I saw that a thread titled 'Cancel Flight Following?' had 80 posts, I knew it had to be a troll-o-rama.

Controllers call it flight following all day long. As I am rarely over the great lakes or cape cod, I have never experienced any confusion between 'VFR advisories' and 'flight following'.
the even shorter "advisories" and you'll still have 100% success.

Not so, GS! I always just request advisories... But just last Thursday, NorCal came back, " Do you want flight following?"

Keep in mind that the AIM doesn't define aviation. Rather, it's in a continuous race to try to catch up with what's really happening and evolving in the real world of aviation.

Often ATC requests to report the destination in sight. I've never had a facility not respond to me telling them I had the destination in sight (even without being asked) with NOTRAFFICOBSERVEDBETWEENYOUANDTHEAIRPORTRADARSERVCIESTERMINATEDSQUAWKVFRFREQUENCYCHANGEAPPROVED.
I think I'm cross-eyed now after reading the previous post. Thanks a lot.

Damn, no matter how trivial the subject is, you can always find people on message boards who will argue it till the end of time. FF / Traffic advisories, who gives a ****? I think it's pretty clear that it works both way, so stick to your way and don't try to convert the masses to the "correct" way.
Often ATC requests to report the destination in sight. I've never had a facility not respond to me telling them I had the destination in sight (even without being asked) with NOTRAFFICOBSERVEDBETWEENYOUANDTHEAIRPORTRADARSERVCIESTERMINATEDSQUAWKVFRFREQUENCYCHANGEAPPROVED.

I've had them respond with multiple traffic alerts, and once in a while, suggest staying on for another X minutes. Out here on a nice day, you can often spot the airport FAR out, particularly if it's isolated or contrasts well with its surroundings.

When landing at a towered airport, they usually tell me to keep the code rather than squawk VFR.
"N456 has field in sight, if no other aircraft observed between me and the airport, I'll terminate radar service and cancel all flight following activities including traffic advisories and change over to advisory frequency please."

Succinct. Everything in one easy to transmit format.
I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I always request VFR traffic advisory following watch. It works pretty much all of the never.
"N456 has field in sight, if no other aircraft observed between me and the airport, I'll terminate radar service and cancel all flight following activities including traffic advisories and change over to advisory frequency please."

Succinct. Everything in one easy to transmit format.
Where's the ;) smiley? :D
I concur (see it does happen on POA) I just say Archer off XXX airport enroute to Lima Bravo Bravo or Hotel November Delta or Podunk National request FF and ATC says standby, then says squawk 8888 and it's a done deal. No muss no fuss. Most of my flights end at a towered airport which takes care of the final phraseology "taxi to .... to park" or if a non-towered then its Center "destination" airport in sight.
Thank you. As a new pilot, this was the most useful post in this thread.
I just did a tour at our local tower not long ago and the controller used the term "flight following" in an answer to a question I had.

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Threads like these arguing over trivial details are why new pilots are intimidated by the radio. Like Bob said, you can say whatever words it takes to get your point across. Sure there are times when you must be precise in your comms, but requesting flight following isn't one of them.

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I had JAX Center refer to a plane he had on radar but wasn't talking to as "that dude" that was at the same altitude as me. I would call that slang but funny enough I knew what he was talking about. I didn't get my panties in a wad.

Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk
I had JAX Center refer to a plane he had on radar but wasn't talking to as "that dude" that was at the same altitude as me. I would call that slang but funny enough I knew what he was talking about. I didn't get my panties in a wad.

Things are different in the south. We heard a guy in a Mooney (and I swear from the sound of it he was flying an M10 with the canopy open) acknowledge every transmission with "There ya go." After a few minutes of this we were chuckling pretty hard.

I always want to go up on Talk like a pirate day sometime...

Navion 5327K, Squawk 5421 and ident...

Arrrr! There be yer button, matey.

Answering transmissions with "Arrrr" actually isn't too incorrect if you know the etymology of ROGER.
So if I am on Flight Following flying to an uncontrolled airport do I just request to cancel flight following once I am close? What is the proper terminology to cancel flight following?
You are the pilot in command. When you want to change frequency simply say " Chicago, Piper 23 Mike is squawking 1200 and changing frequency, thanks for your help"