TSA Clearance

Take your frustrations somewhere else.
How can you get permanent resident alien status without a) a nation state residency or b) refugee status?


If you are truly stateless there is a process - contact your state department rep and whine
Take your frustrations somewhere else.

Who is frustrated? I feel just fine. What a ridiculous interpretation....:rofl:

List is growing. Lotta great people here and a few real duds.

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This message is hidden because weilke is on your ignore list.
How can you get permanent resident alien status without a) a nation state residency or b) refugee status?


If you are truly stateless there is a process - contact your state department rep and whine

No, it's about common decency. The whole point of PoA and our Rules of Conduct is to have folks be welcome and accepted here - it's not to make snarky comments and run folks off.

(moderator hat off)
If you or others want to trash folks that come on the forum, I'd be just as happy to see you go elsewhere.

(moderator hat back on).

+1. :yes:

Sigh.....Sorry SCCutler is a moderator/admin and you are not allowed to ignore him or her.

Looks like the gang is piling on here - nice. What do they say about absolute power corrupts absolutely...kinda like moderator gangs. Also a typical liberal attitude.
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian he demands that all meat products be banned for everyone.

If a conservative decides to be homosexual he quietly lives his life.
If a liberal decides to be homosexual he throws what he does in the bedroom in everyone's face, demands that everyone believe he was born that way, and that the government needs to legislate respect for him.

If a conservative woman doesn't want to be pregnant she doesn't have sex.
If a liberal woman doesn't want to be pregnant she murders her unborn child.

If a black man is a conservative he considers himself independently successful.
If a black man is a liberal he considers himself a victim that needs government entitlements.

If a conservative slips and falls in a restaurant he stands up, feels embarrassed, and goes on with his life.
If a liberal slips and falls in a restaurant he holds his neck, crys like a little girl, and sues.

If a conservative on a forum doesn't like what somebody says or stands for he ignores him.
If a liberal on a forum doesn't like what somebody says or stands for he wants him/her banned - what a sad commentary and you (few) people ought to be ashamed of yourselves. :loco:

I've met a lot of wonderful people here but a small bunch of small minded ones are not so good. Sorry to hear some are in charge - sad.
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How can you get permanent resident alien status without a) a nation state residency or b) refugee status?

The same way you get a green card if you have a passport - family (including marriage), employment, ..? He could also have been granted asylum along with his parents (he never answered that question).

If you are truly stateless there is a process - contact your state department rep and whine

Whine about what? The guy is two years shy of going through the naturalization process. He came here to find out if there was a quicker way for him to get up in the air, or if he had to wait for a passport. Why do people have to be so bloody rude?
I would think your embassy could help.
Since he's a stateless person, he doesn't have an embassy -- only his parents might. As he's not one of their citizens, they may not be real eager to help. It really is a big bucket of worms, but it's worth trying.
...not sure why the TSA would treat someone stateless any different, especially if you are a permanent resident - something worth bringing up if you ever get a TSA supervisor on the line.
The reason is they want to do background checks in your home country, and if you don't have a home country, they can't do that. As for asking a supervisor "why?", they wouldn't have the slightest idea, or even know whom to ask. That's policy from the top, and you'd need a Congressperson to get to the bottom of that.
I was born in a country which denied citizenship to members of a certain ethnic group/nationality. As opposed to birthright countries, where citizenship is granted to anyone born on its territory, the country in question grants citizenship based on one's heritage, i.e. nationalities of the parents.

I immigrated to the USA when I was a minor and have lived here ever since. Had I moved to the country of my ethnic origin, I would have had citizenship of that country but, my family moved to USA instead.

Then you should be eligible for US citizenship, no?
The reason is they want to do background checks in your home country, and if you don't have a home country, they can't do that.
I wonder what the green card says after "country of birth"? Even if it's a territory or a region, can't they do a background check there?
Then you should be eligible for US citizenship, no?
After five years as a permanent resident, and over age 18, he will be eligible to apply. See http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/us...nnel=86bd6811264a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD for details. What's not clear to me is whether he wants to become a citizen, how old he is, and how long he's been a permanent resident. BTW, my research suggests there are only a few thousand stateless persons living in the USA, and I doubt many of them want to learn to fly, so while I hate to say it, solving the OP's particular problem isn't likely to be a high priority on anyone's list in the US government.
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The reason is they want to do background checks in your home country, and if you don't have a home country, they can't do that. As for asking a supervisor "why?", they wouldn't have the slightest idea, or even know whom to ask. That's policy from the top, and you'd need a Congressperson to get to the bottom of that.

No, that's hardly the case...first, if a person seeks asylum in the US after having been persecuted in Myanmar or Ethiopa or wherever, we wouldn't really ask the persecuting country for a background check before issuing the green card. Not many asylumns would be granted if we did. Second, he has a "home country," the problem is that it does not recognize him as a citizen.

The point I was trying to make is that like the asylee, the stateless person does not have a passport. It's well within the TSA's rule-making authority to allow stateless individuals to start flight training using the same documentation as an asylee - no need for a legislative act to accomplish that.
His whole story doesn't really add up...:no:..

I have my spray on the ready...:yes:

You have to be a permanent resident for five years until you can apply for naturalization. Now put that spray away. :nono:
I wonder what the green card says after "country of birth"? Even if it's a territory or a region, can't they do a background check there?

I don't think places like Somali are just looking to set the record straight with the US on non-citizens born on their soil living in the US.
After five years as a permanent resident, and over age 18, he will be eligible to apply. See http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/us...nnel=86bd6811264a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD for details. What's not clear to me is whether he wants to become a citizen, how old he is, and how long he's been a permanent resident. BTW, my research suggests there are only a few thousand stateless persons living in the USA, and I doubt many of them want to learn to fly, so while I hate to say it, solving the OP's particular problem isn't likely to be a high priority on anyone's list in the US government.

Over 18? I was a month and a day shy of my 18th B-Day when I took the oath and got my citizenship, you can also petition with the judge to become a citizen sooner than 5 years. He said he immigrated as a child, he must be quite young not to have his 5 years in anyway.
Wasn't meant to be snarky which is, quite simply, in the eye of the beholder.

I've taken my share of "snarky comments" too. I just put them on my growing ignore list as they should me. Only see their insults, name calling and snarky comments when quoted. Doesn't seem to bother you though. :no:
Must be your buddies, as I never see you say boo to them despite obvious and blatant rule infractions. That's OK, many amateurs in power tend to develop a double standard. Also seems to align with political affiliation and is more prevalent these days - not fair, not reasonable, not decent but prevalent none the less - sad. :yes:
If you want to be discriminatory in your censorship out of deference to your pals - go right ahead. It just illustrates that double standard I mentioned....

We need to be a lot more careful with our border, citizenship protection and flight training, not less. It seems the results of the last big failure in this regard is slowly fading from memory except, perhaps, for the relatives and other loved ones of 2,753 people.

I think anyone that blasphemes by taking the name of Chuck Yeager is fully capable of pulling our leg. If that isn't a possibility to you - oh well. I'll let the real General Yeager know some guy is using his name here next time I see him at the café. He deserves better from your more "welcomed" posters.

You've been here only two months and you already have a growing ignore list? Have you tried looking in the mirror?
It can take several years to obtain asylee status. Once that is obtained, it can easily take 8-10 years to adjust to permanent resident status (edit: It used to take that long as there was a cap on the number of asylees who could adust. In 2005 that cap was removed and uscis managed to work off the backlog in the following years). When you adjust to permanent resident, your underage kids adjust status as well. For a minor under 16, there is no background check and certainly no requirement to have a passport. To become a citizen is another 5 years.
So yes, the kids story adds up quite well. I hope he can get through to someone at TSA who can get beyond reading off a teleprompter script.

As I said, I would take that situation to the congressmans or senators office. While they can't do things that are legally impossible, they can at times get past buerocratic stonewalling and get through to the regional director who can decide 'oh sure, we'll just treat him as an asylee, have him send us his A-number and a copy of his drivers license'..
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Just waiting for the "King" to chip in here - he's got to be chomping at the bit to throw out some insults and otherwise stir the pot. Narrow minded, bully trolls are in every forum, every organization and have been since society decided we shouldn't carry sidearms anymore. Then, with modern technology, they learned they can gang up on someone while sitting in their underwear from the security of a keyboard and push their self centered views on everybody else. Then if someone doesn't blindly zombie along with that program they lobby to censor him. Sigh.......:nonod:

How about you leave me alone and I'll leave you alone? Simple enough - but maybe too simple for you?
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Just waiting for the "King" to chip in here - he's got to be chomping at the bit to throw out some insults and otherwise stir the pot. Why don't you intolerant trolls just stick to the thread's subject and quit trying to browbeat someone that really doesn't give a damn? :rofl:

We're on ignore, remember?
Who is tje king? I wanna be the king. Would the king please just give the poor kid the papers he needs. Kings can do that right?
Just curious, on your resident card, there is a 3 letter code on there for status, ir1, fx1, etx. What does yours say. And did your parents ever adjust to us citizens, and how old we're you if they did?
Suggest you get your glider license and do some flying. That should keep you busy until you can become a naturalized citizen. Become active in EAA, etc. Also, once you are active in the community, I imagine you will find independent CFI's that will train you without worrying about a TSA OK. Especially if you don't look to get a checkride until you are a citizen. Does sport pilot require the OK?

(edit - yes, I see it does. Also, I am not advocating that anybody, especially a CFI, do something that will get them in trouble with Big Brother. I am "just sayin'".)

Ps. Someone might as well put me on "ignore" now before I am tempted to contribute to thread hijack for Spin Zone content. Prefer that, actually.
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After five years as a permanent resident, and over age 18, he will be eligible to apply. See http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/us...nnel=86bd6811264a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD for details. What's not clear to me is whether he wants to become a citizen, how old he is, and how long he's been a permanent resident. BTW, my research suggests there are only a few thousand stateless persons living in the USA, and I doubt many of them want to learn to fly, so while I hate to say it, solving the OP's particular problem isn't likely to be a high priority on anyone's list in the US government.

And if he's under 18, if one of his parents naturalizes as a US Citizen, he becomes a US citizen by operation of law.
And if he's under 18, if one of his parents naturalizes as a US Citizen, he becomes a US citizen by operation of law.

He probably adjusted to PR along with his parents, so they are on the same timeline (iirc its 4 years for asylees, you get a year credit for one year as asylee).
He probably adjusted to PR along with his parents, so they are on the same timeline (iirc its 4 years for asylees, you get a year credit for one year as asylee).

PR->Citizen takes 5 years for everyone, unless you marry a US Citizen, in which case it's 3 years. My 5 years is up in April, 2016.
PR->Citizen takes 5 years for everyone, unless you marry a US Citizen, in which case it's 3 years. My 5 years is up in April, 2016.

You are right. You get credit on the time to adjustment, not naturalization. It has been a while that I dealt with that agency :vomit: .
You are right. You get credit on the time to adjustment, not naturalization. It has been a while that I dealt with that agency :vomit: .

If there's one agency that I know my way around at the moment, its USCIS!
I may be -- and I am not joking -- sooner eligible for US Citizenship (less than two years!).

Well, that's good news if you only have two years to go. (When you get to be my age, you will find that two years isn't very long.)

With luck, you may find someone who is willing to let you ride along and even give you some pointers while you wait. It would give you a head start on your official training.

Or, as some have suggested, starting in a glider would be an outstanding option - even if you DIDN'T have the paperwork issues.
Great arguements among all of us.......

Has anyone noticed the OP has not logged back in to ask /answer /give feedback on his unique situation.:dunno::dunno:

Great arguements among all of us.......

Has anyone noticed the OP has not logged back in to ask /answer /give feedback on his unique situation.:dunno::dunno:


Well, seeing as he only posted the thread yesterday...
Great arguements among all of us.......

Has anyone noticed the OP has not logged back in to ask /answer /give feedback on his unique situation.:dunno::dunno:

Seeing the nasty turn it took...
Just waiting for the "King" to chip in here - he's got to be chomping at the bit to throw out some insults and otherwise stir the pot. Narrow minded, bully trolls are in every forum, every organization and have been since society decided we shouldn't carry sidearms anymore. Then, with modern technology, they learned they can gang up on someone while sitting in their underwear from the security of a keyboard and push their self centered views on everybody else. Then if someone doesn't blindly zombie along with that program they lobby to censor him. Sigh.......:nonod:

How about you leave me alone and I'll leave you alone? Simple enough - but maybe too simple for you?
n00b, gotta apologize for this guy.....he got himself thrown out of another board....we gotta put up with this c_ap.

Peoria IL, my hometown is filled with South Asian engineering staff who have been here for all their family raising years. They make all that heavy stuff work. Their kids have finished at the local high schools and are in major universities, and the parents are still waiting for citizenship.

Then you have the "pull up the drawbridge" stuff. sigh.
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Seeing the nasty turn it took...

Not nasty at all.. We are all just speculating on his situation.... Without him spelling out his citizenship route he is taking to become an American Citizen, we can only guess........
Surely he will chime in here soon to fill in the blanks....

What can he be afraid of,:dunno: He is faceless, anonomous and uses a name of Noob.
He said he immigrated as a child, he must be quite young not to have his 5 years in anyway.

Unclear. My wife was in this country with a Green Card for 27 years before she decided to go through the naturalization process. When she applied, there was a 30 month wait for the various background checks overseas to be done. He could have started this process and be waiting.... officially still stateless.

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