Recent content by Wesley Merrick

  1. Wesley Merrick

    Toeing the line: How close to the FRZ have you flown?

    That does sound smart, I'll definitely do that if we do wind up flying that route. I'll have to let my friend know we might not be able to get too close to his house depending on how close Potomac/USAF will let us get.
  2. Wesley Merrick

    Toeing the line: How close to the FRZ have you flown?

    This sounds like a good way of being precise with Potomac. I hadn't though to use radials from the DCA VOR since I'm not instrument rated nor does the helicopter I will be flying have the instruments needed for radio navigation, so I'll have to figure out the radials ahead of time. I should...
  3. Wesley Merrick

    Toeing the line: How close to the FRZ have you flown?

    First of all a hello everyone: I'm new to the forums and joined mainly to ask questions such as this one and get other perspectives on aviation, cool stories and what not. I'm a college student with my PPL for helicopters (no fixed-wing ratings for me!) just trying to build a little time and...