Recent content by WeBeGone

  1. WeBeGone

    CSC DUATS, TRFs, and Notams

    That is exactly the point of my post. Had I not KNOWN a TFR should be there, I would have not scoured the NOTAMS over and over before and after talking with FSS. I just chatted the the local FSDO and they claim an unprecedented number of pilots violated last Thursday's TFR, and DUATS may have...
  2. WeBeGone

    CSC DUATS, TRFs, and Notams

    Jon, if you wanted more detailed information you could have simply asked for it, rather than leading off with your self-pedistalizing quip about finding my claim hard to believe. My home airfield is S44, which is not only under Seattle's Class Bravo, but under McChord AFB's airspace as well, so...
  3. WeBeGone

    CSC DUATS, TRFs, and Notams

    That's exactly why I re-read it no less than 3 times, furthermore if the departure airport is within the TFR, as it was, I don't care WHICH brief you get. ...It should have showed up.......period !!! Engine failures are infrequent as well.....should you be aware of that issue???
  4. WeBeGone

    CSC DUATS, TRFs, and Notams

    I sure hope you are right. It would seem that would make sense. The question could be " Did the pilot check ALL available information?"
  5. WeBeGone

    CSC DUATS, TRFs, and Notams

    NO....I would have been screwed, if not escorted down, considering earlier in the summer a float plane busted a Presidential TFR, and F-16s were scrambled from Portland at Mach 1+ breaking windows all along the way (makes ya wonder why F-16s had to come from 150 miles away), I would have...
  6. WeBeGone

    CSC DUATS, TRFs, and Notams

    What you find hard to believe is YOUR problem, the world IS round Scooter. I am a CFII with plenty of students passed and I am well aware of what a full brief is and how to read it. There was NO mention of it and that is why I brought it to the attention of the briefer. CSC DUATS is a contract...
  7. WeBeGone

    CSC DUATS, TRFs, and Notams

    I filled out the form, but haven't heard back yet. Perhaps I'll call tomorrow.
  8. WeBeGone

    CSC DUATS, TRFs, and Notams

    My point was that the TFR was NOWHERE to be found on CSC DUATS online. I not only checked all the FDC Notams.....I checked ALL Notams. Had I not known the Pres. was in town, and had not called a briefer, I could have easily busted a TFR during a 30 minute spin around my rural area. It was a...
  9. WeBeGone

    CSC DUATS, TRFs, and Notams

    I found it surprising last week when I checked CSC DUATS and found no mention of a TFR because President Obama was in town. I spoke to a briefer who confirmed the TFR. Has anyone else had similar issues with CSC DUATS?