Recent content by Warlock

  1. Warlock

    WWII warbirds.

    I as well would pick a Mosquito…my Uncle I never met was lost in the Balkans near Banja Luka in 1945 supporting a Russian offensive…my Gran had a picture of him in the cockpit and it was my first connection with military aviation as a child…if this was not the case I always thought a P-47...
  2. Warlock

    Cherokee 180 to Arrow 180

    My 180 Arrow with a scimitar prop cruised at 140kts at 7-8k and cost differential was a couple of hundred bucks vs my 160 HP Warrior that I owned at the same time. It had more useful load and swinging the gear and constant speed prop made it more efficient and made the cost difference a push…I...
  3. Warlock

    Super Cub on floats crashes/sinks into lake in Alaska, 2 dead

    I was around Crescent lake in mid April…it was still covered with ice…lots of elevation on both sides…so sad.
  4. Warlock

    So what's the deal with insurance?

    In my case I owned an aircraft in leaseback, operated by an LLC, but the only one with assets. Pilot flew into a 2000ft transmission tower dropping it killing himself and five year old daughter. Four lawsuits from different parties all separate…all when through local and then Federal Courts...
  5. Warlock

    So what's the deal with insurance?

    I have been that guy…
  6. Warlock

    So what's the deal with insurance?

    I would argue that it’s not that simple…The liability policy also includes legal defense in addition to the Million award coverage. In my experience those costs have more than kept up with inflation. I do agree current max limits are inadequate for most policy’s.
  7. Warlock

    Osprey crash in Japan

    Looks like they are willing to accept more risk…the cost of doing business mantra was sort of drummed out of military aviation in the 90’s, but I guess we’re back full circle.
  8. Warlock

    What's wrong with a dutch roll in a passenger jet?

    Well this is convenient for the discussion… Of course it’s Boeing…
  9. Warlock

    Seaplane collides with small boat in Vancouver

    It’s interesting but pure rules the seaplane is wrong but this is crazy…I spend a lot of time still to this day delivering boats and congested harbors and sea-lanes are full of people that do not understand or follow COLREGS….summertime in any place may be less then half…I am picking up a 62...
  10. Warlock

    Anybody ever make money with a lease back??

    No and ended up in five lawsuits when an active FAA employee, probably committed suicide, also killing his five year old daughter in a bad domestic divorce situation…child was kidnapped and was given Reds Apple ale and over 2 times the limit for an Adult. Worst time in my life…all resolved now...
  11. Warlock

    Piper automatic gear extend

    Trying to extend your glide in an engine out to make the field then hit gear down speed and end up in the trees and die…one of the lawsuits from the grieving family.
  12. Warlock

    Helo with Iranian President hits side of mountain

    Ah yes the Jimmy Carter Desert Classic…as we referred to it…what a mess…
  13. Warlock

    For Memorial Day

    For those who would like to spend the day thinking and reflecting there are so many I know..but I can give you a couple of names to which I have very close connection who gave it all. CW4 Kieth Mariotti and Specialist 5 Michael Lautzenheiser both Army Aviation. I will be hoisting a toast to...
  14. Warlock

    Helo with Iranian President hits side of mountain

    Realize IFR capable helicopters in my era of flying in the Army had a single NDB (AH-1 and AH-64A) and required the ability to do a radar approach at destination ( PAR or ASR). We did occasionally fly IFR and were required to take an annual ride. Utility Helicopters all had VORs with a...
  15. Warlock

    USAF IP killed at Sheppard AFB

    This is the reason I donate monthly to…Prayers to the family and hope they get this sorted out.