Recent content by Turbo Kid

  1. T

    Getting on a Statin as a preventative, will this affect my 1st class medical?

    I was recently recommended to start taking a statin to avoid long-term risk of heart issues (20 years+). Will this be an issue for an AME to issue a 1st class medical for me? No, I do not have heart disease, haven't had a heart attack, etc, just high cholesterol hereditarily and weighing options...
  2. T

    Long-term Statin use from a young age, will this affect ATP goals and 1st class medical?

    Definitely good to hear about your long-term success with statins, haven't seen anyone else in a similar situation at this age point personally besides yourself although I know they are out there. While I do know statins are safe, long-term use is my primary focus (as I'm sure it is/was for you)...
  3. T

    Long-term Statin use from a young age, will this affect ATP goals and 1st class medical?

    I'm not low carb but very lean and in shape so it is possible, I do see my cardiologist again in a week or so and will inquire about being a lean mass hyper responder. Thank you for the insight, I appreciate it!