Recent content by trenton

  1. trenton

    Can I treat a bicycle as a CFI business expense?

    It's transportation. The % used for business can be deducted. Same as if you purchased a motor vehicle.
  2. trenton

    Diamond Aircraft eDA40 All-Electric Aircraft

    Hydrogen should beat out batteries in aviation. Its energy density is 100x that of batteries. Aircraft performance is much more sensitive to weight than cross-section or length, so even if planes get bigger to hold more hydrogen, it wouldn't affect their performance as much as loading up with...
  3. trenton

    1K Landing Fee proposed in MA

    Was never going to happen as long as there was no exemption for aircraft used for "official business" (like campaigning).
  4. trenton

    Piper cherokee 140 fair price??

    It's probably obvious, but check on ADS-B, if that's something you'll need.
  5. trenton

    Piper cherokee 140 fair price??

    Go for it. Don't skimp on the pre-purchase inspection. Make sure the inspector isn't friends with the seller.
  6. trenton

    Foreflight pre-departure clearance - is there a cheaper way?

    Maybe the Boeing oversight will slow FF's pace of innovation.
  7. trenton

    GDL-82 vs SkyBeacon

    And tailBeacon got its TSO, too.
  8. trenton

    Are Planes With Parachutes Really Safer?

    This type of risk equalization should also be considered when looking at the stats.
  9. trenton

    GDL-82 vs SkyBeacon

    We decided against the GDL 82 for the same reason (an aging KT 76). We opted for at GTX 335. Got tired of waiting for "next month" for the Skybeacon to ship.
  10. trenton

    Upgrading from a Dakota

    Have you looked at Cessna/Columbia 350/400/TTx?
  11. trenton

    Clouds lower than expected, Delta in front, now what?

    Class C == mode C Class D == dialog (two-way)
  12. trenton

    3 year old in a 172

    For my 3 and 7, I do carseats and boosters in the back seat. I let them out at cruise. They can stand, wiggle, and look out the window. Mine never fall asleep (30-90 minute hops).
  13. trenton

    Anyone used GATTS recently?

    Details on that hotel look amazing. How much of the town is like that? Wikipedia says Manhattan KS was founded in 1850s.
  14. trenton

    Turning crosswind....ASAP!

    While speed can be converted to altitude, doing so isn't as efficient as climbing at Vy. Over a given time interval, you will always be at a lower altitude if any speed other than Vy is used during any part of the climb. Vy is the best rate of climb.
  15. trenton

    once the wheels leave the ground....

    Right rudder