Recent content by tonynsx

  1. T

    Need help with testing an aviation related website

    This is what I have now. I'm still working on adding sectional charts to it.
  2. T

    Need help with testing an aviation related website

    The website is back now
  3. T

    Need help with testing an aviation related website

    Sorry, I’m testing the website. So that’s why you’re seeing it. I’ll try to fix it tomorrow.
  4. T

    Need help with testing an aviation related website

    Not really sure, I'm new to Python, but I'll check on it.
  5. T

    Need help with testing an aviation related website

    Thank you, yes that's what I'm trying to do. I want to add the sectional charts on my map. I'll send you a message.
  6. T

    Need help with testing an aviation related website

    Thanks for the replies. I’m working on changing the black background. I need to figure out how to add sectional chart as the map tile. If I’m missing more airports let me know and I’ll add them. So far, I have about 1500 airports on there.
  7. T

    Need help with testing an aviation related website

    yes that would be me. Something wrong?
  8. T

    What do you do for living (or used to)?

    Thanks for all the responses so far. Keep them coming.
  9. T

    What do you do for living (or used to)?

  10. T

    What do you do for living (or used to)?

    Looks like you have enough land to have a grass strip.
  11. T

    What do you do for living (or used to)?

    Cool, 737? Southwest?
  12. T

    I Hate Mice

    That Jack Daniel's might attract people :)
  13. T

    What do you do for living (or used to)?

    What do you fly if you don't mind me asking? I like the original NSX, especially the type R, I don't like the new one.
  14. T

    What do you do for living (or used to)?

    Interesting, keep them coming. If you own an airplane, don't be shy to post that also.