Recent content by TheGunCollector

  1. T

    Recieved PPL in 2000 and haven't flow since - What should I be doing?

    Yep. Thankfully I'm fortunate to be self employed, so I don't have to contend with juggling a traditional 8-10 hour work day around the other, normal family obligations.
  2. T

    "Common purpose" and taking your friends up

    Not sure how common it is but just saw a ad on Craiglsist for plane trip @ $150.
  3. T

    Recieved PPL in 2000 and haven't flow since - What should I be doing?

    First of, let me say thanks for all the welcomes! I'm excited to get in the air again, and as soon as my wife give birth to our son ( today maybe? ), and things settle down, I'll be back in the air! Thanks! I've had an iPad since the beginning. Been thinking about buying another...
  4. T

    Recieved PPL in 2000 and haven't flow since - What should I be doing?

    Looking to pick up flying again as I live in a wonderful area of the country and looking to share the passion with my kids as well as possibly purchasing a plane in the future ( we'll rent first ). First if getting current, and then I'll be focusing on getting my instrument rating. I'm just...