Recent content by Scott Skylane

  1. S

    What would you want in icing conditions?

    I agree that hot wings are the best solution, but you don't necessarily need turbines to get it. The Douglas DC-6/7 actually had avgas-fired heaters that blew hot air through the leading edge of the wings/tail. It worked very well! (Interestingly, the heaters were the *exact* same type that...
  2. S

    Glider pilot to self: "Now what?"

    My goodness, wouldn't you make a fine little Fed.
  3. S

    Northwest Airlines Pilots demise....

    Sorry, that's just not true. If you only hear the aircraft side of the center communication, then you are on the wrong frequency, or out of range, period.
  4. S

    Northwest Airlines Pilots demise....

    Exactly. I have read the letter that Ron referred to, and at least that part of it rings as fabrication to me. Sitting in the cockpit, whether just droning along or actively engaged in conversation, it becomes readily apparent if you're only hearing the aircraft side of a communication. That...
  5. S

    Planets aligned tonight

    I'll be flying Anchorage to Fairbanks, and back, in a few hours. Hope to get a good look from FL 320!
  6. S

    Stupid question of the day

    That, sir, is one of the best kept industrial secrets of these modern times!
  7. S

    Oshkosh Parties -- You're Invited!

    Why would you assume that?