Recent content by saratoga2250

  1. S

    Pilot Edge - anyone using? Thoughts?

    Yes. I highly recommend it. You can be great at flying an approach but still be underskilled as a communicator in the NAS. The latter is equally as important as successfully flying an approach but often does not get the attention it requires in instrument training.
  2. S

    Story About a Defiant Student

    I was so relieved today. He showed up and did everything well within PTS standards. I made him check the forecast, which he had not yet done when he arrived, but it showed solid VFR conditions through our flight time, and I concurred with his decision to go (even though I didn't admit it at...
  3. S

    Story About a Defiant Student

    This is a great idea, and happens to coincide with the weather tomorrow. We are flying from 1700-1900Z tomorrow. The forecast discussion is calling for ceilings to become IFR at 1800Z; prior to that it will be VFR. In the worst case scenario where he makes the decision to depart, I'll pick up...
  4. S

    Story About a Defiant Student

    This is what we're starting to believe. Unfortunately he's only around 45 hours, and unless he thinks I'm some sort of 40-hour miracle worker for everyone but him, it's irrational. The student is 20, and I am in my mid-20s. I appreciate the comments about the other three options. I don't have...
  5. S

    Story About a Defiant Student

    With regard to the mixture and fuel pump, the time most people would realize they forgot this step is the after-landing checklist, when the pump is turned off and the mixture is again leaned. He did not realize he had these two items improperly configured even after running the after-landing...
  6. S

    Story About a Defiant Student

    I totally see where you are coming from with this point of view, because the fact is there are some instructors out there who gouge students for flight time and what not. That is not my goal. I'm not even in this for flight time. The feeling I get is he believes I take this job too...
  7. S

    Story About a Defiant Student

    I agreed with this. I scheduled the student to be evaluated by my chief instructor, who is a retired military instructor. I did not give my chief any pointers. I simply asked him to go up with the student and see what he thought. His critiques were nearly identical to mine. The mistakes the...
  8. S

    Story About a Defiant Student

    Here's a story for instructors to evaluate: A student has been in training with the same instructor for a period of two years. He has taken several breaks in training due to various reasons, but has eventually come around to being able to perform solo cross countries. Up to this point, he has...