Recent content by sandia aerospace

  1. S

    Sandia STX 165 Transponder

    Hi, Yes there is a few options right now, One is Free Flight and the other is Garmin. We are working on a solution. But we feel in the next year or so you will see several other companies offering a UAT solution that is certified. Our UAT target price is $3500 dollars. Options are always...
  2. S

    Sandia STX 165 Transponder

    Hi, To answer several questions with this reply. Yes Sandia is working on a UAT system. We feel to keep a unit open to other manufactures leaves the operator more choices. A mode S-EHS is the route for many users and mandatory in Europe Here is a great...
  3. S

    Sandia STX 165 Transponder

    Hi, Thanks for the reply, yes ADS-B will be part of the 2020 Mandate in all classes of airspace. The confusing part is that pilots are being told they must have a Mode S Transponder with a UAT system. Which is not true a Mode C transponder with a UAT system will also work. So the cost savings...
  4. S

    Sandia STX 165 Transponder

    Why Mode C For aircraft flying below 18,000 feet Mode C will continue to be used indefinitely. There is no requirement for aircraft flying at those altitudes to equip with more costly Mode S. It is true that Mode S will provide traffic and meet the 2020 ADS-B mandate, if the aircraft is...
  5. S

    Narco AT 150 TSO transponder & Tray with AR 850 Encoder for Trade

    What other transponder are you thinking of?