Recent content by samlowe54

  1. samlowe54

    I'm too old to push my 182

    Whenever I have asked Best for a show price, they always tell me they will give me something. Usually is is the LED light bar ($195 retail, almost nothing in cost). They always steer me to the B5 with a base price of $6500. The A3, which should be perfectly adequate has a base price of $3500...
  2. samlowe54

    Help me understand GPSS

    I am not sure the KAP140 on a GTNXXX vs a GFC500 on a G5 is really a fair comparison. The older analog autopilots are good at what they do, but they can't really be compared to the newer digital units. The you have the attitude-based vs. rate-based comparisons as well. I have a S-TEC 60-2 in...