Recent content by saha

  1. saha

    Local Airport Chat

    @vkhosid Airfoil is available on both iOS and Android phones and tablets. You can find links to both app stores on Let me know what you think if you download it!
  2. saha

    Local Airport Chat

    Sorry for the late reply, been hard at work on some app updates! Yes, you're right, we haven't nailed the killer feature yet, or the killer aviation app. But some of these killer features are hard to appreciate until they're out there. In other words it might be the case most pilots don't know...
  3. saha

    Local Airport Chat

    Yeah, I was thinking about that. Don't know if there's an easy solution to this, but we also built a "nearby" section of the app where you can see discussions at all airports that are close to you in addition to being able to see discussions at a specific airport. Think that would work in this case?
  4. saha

    Local Airport Chat

    Same here! Just moved to Oakland and hope to see you in the local group in my app :)
  5. saha

    Local Airport Chat

    Thanks for the note! Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. Keeping it airport-specific rather than posting in a big forum should increase the quality of interaction on local issues :) At the moment you can either view an airport-specific discussion on Airfoil or you can go to a global...
  6. saha

    Local Airport Chat

    Yeah, some POAs have websites and blogs, and that's great. This is a little different in the sense that it basically creates a forum for every airport, so you don't have to go looking for a blog and join a different forum for every airport/group, you can just open the app and see what local...
  7. saha

    Local Airport Chat

    Can you look up an Airport on Facebook? Some local pilot groups have Facebook Groups, yes, but this sets up a page for every airport in the world. Plus, you don't have to join a group, you can just fly in and see what the locals are talking about, then fly out.
  8. saha

    Local Airport Chat

    Woops! Preview showed image working correctly, but didn't show up. Should be fixed now! Thanks :)
  9. saha

    Local Airport Chat

    I'm building an aviation app with some friends and we just added local airport pages so pilots can chat with other pilots coming in and out of their local airport. We got the idea partially from feedback from PoA members, so I'd love to hear what you all think of the new airport pages?! You can...
  10. saha

    How do you connect with local pilots?

    Yes, human contact is amazing - somehow still under-appreciated! We do have email signup as well. You are not required to sign up with Facebook. Kudos for reading the privacy policy! As for the pilot search, right now it's just oriented around the geolocations of discussion posts. In other...
  11. saha

    How do you connect with local pilots?

    Got it. Meetup is great for organizing in person meetings. I haven't been on their site for a while I'll look some more. I'm more interested in online conversations with local pilots that can help pilots meet one another and start new conversations. That can lead to more meetups and that kind of...
  12. saha

    How do you connect with local pilots?

    Interesting. Any reason in particular you're not down with mobile?
  13. saha

    How do you connect with local pilots?

    Thanks for the tip!
  14. saha

    How do you connect with local pilots?

    Would also love your thoughts on the app so far and how it compares so far to what you get out of Facebook (and what it might be missing):
  15. saha

    How do you connect with local pilots?

    ;) I'll see what I can do. very much appreciate the privacy concern.