Recent content by rsnow

  1. rsnow

    USA Today hit piece on GA

    Here is Thomas Frank's home page . He actually wrote an article on the perils of newspapers peddling influence. This guy is the biggest hypocrite to come down the road. There is a place to contact him on his homepage. Also, here is a link to his article on...
  2. rsnow

    USA Today hit piece on GA

    The donations from pilots, manufacturers and other GA trade organizations should be enough to organize an aggressive P.R. campaign. We must have aggressive attorney lobbyists to spend lavishly on the media and other influencers. It's not enough to go to Washington to meet with congressmen and...
  3. rsnow

    USA Today hit piece on GA

    This really does look like a coordinated attack by the airline industry. In past articles the media would at least try to put on an air of objectivity. This worries me because it's such a well coordinated attack and they no longer care about being fair or balanced. This has moved from being...
  4. rsnow

    Home From Gaston's Thread

    Hey guys - Mary Alice and I made it home safely to Memphis on Sunday. Memphis was a little battered by back to back storms that left us without power for a while but we made back safely. This was out first Gastons fly-in and we had a fantastic time. We met a lot of great people and saw...
  5. rsnow

    Gastons on

    My wife and I are coming in N99SW. This is our first year and looking forward to meeting everyone. We are coming up from Memphis either Friday afternoon or Saturday morning depending on the weather.