Recent content by Notarock

  1. N

    Solo'd!!! & Caught on Video

    Loved the video! I loved your personal dialog on your first flight! I think I need a gopro for my first solo XC! Congrats!
  2. N

    Newest Member in 'Solo' Club

    Congrats! I know the feeling, one week out now for me and still grinning :)
  3. N

    I did it! My solo

    The plane has GPS and I've been given a crash course on how to use it just in case. My comment was more in reference to my natural navigational skills in life. But no, I have my paper sectional, and will be planning my XC using that and finding landmarks and all that good stuff!
  4. N

    I did it! My solo

    Thanks again everyone! This week is my first XC flight....(if you don't count the fact that most of my take off and landing practices happen at very close by airports due to the short field runways at home). I definitely have a lot of thoughts to share on navigating a plane and finding the...
  5. N

    I did it! My solo

    Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not Kimberly, but I'm excited to know that someone else out in this world is like me. My name is Meagan from Michigan, I guess I should fill out my profile a bit more. Thanks for the congrats!
  6. N

    I did it! My solo

    Wow, thanks guys. I consider the replies a continuation of my solo high. Greg: of course you can jump out, I assume anyone brave enough to get in a plane with me at this moment of my training will naturally be trying to jump out. Natural instincts to live and all
  7. N

    I did it! My solo

    So I have been reading this site for awhile but decided to come out of the dark corner and make a post. My background in aviation includes 1. Watching the movie Airplane about 100 times 2. A very short love affair with throwing myself out of a plane that I gave up on this summer because...