MRC01's latest activity

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    MRC01 replied to the thread Tailbeacon with obstruction.
    Last I read, Canada ADS-B is satellite only, no ground stations, and required for GA only at 12,500' and higher.
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    MRC01 replied to the thread Tailbeacon with obstruction.
    IME, the TailBeacon GPS barely passes the FAA ADS-B performance test under ideal conditions. I had to install filters on the radios...
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    MRC01 replied to the thread Minimum Oil Level.
    Agreed, that is how I interpret the Lycoming guidance.
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    MRC01 replied to the thread Minimum Oil Level.
    True. The point is there is something wrong with the engine that needs attention - whether or not it is an overhaul.
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    MRC01 reacted to Dan Thomas's post in the thread Minimum Oil Level with Like Like.
    Yup. But any Lyc/Cont opposed engine that burns that much oil needs an overhaul. That's over 12 quarts in 50 hours.
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    MRC01 reacted to Garee's post in the thread Minimum Oil Level with Like Like.
    I don’t think anyone is suggesting you fly around with 2 quarts of oil, but when you land and discover you only have 2 quarts left, is...
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    MRC01 replied to the thread Minimum Oil Level.
    If you combine both limitations, you could fly with only 2 qts in the sump while the engine burns 1 qt every 4 hours, which means as...
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    MRC01 replied to the thread Minimum Oil Level.
    Sure, and Lycoming also says that an engine can burn up to around 1 quart of oil every 4 hours, and still be airworthy (0.006 lbs. / HP...
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    MRC01 reacted to Dan Thomas's post in the thread More oil == cooler engine temps? with Like Like.
    More oil will run cooler. Experience and geometry says so. More oil occupies more of the tank or sump walls, and it spends more time...
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    MRC01 replied to the thread More oil == cooler engine temps?.
    So far so good. Now consider that the amount of heat that the sump itself (the metal tub or oil pan) can absorb and shed or radiate...
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    MRC01 replied to the thread More oil == cooler engine temps?.
    Consider a hypothetical oil sump that is infinitely large. Every drop of oil the pump draws from the sump and pushes through the engine...
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    MRC01 reacted to Dana's post in the thread More oil == cooler engine temps? with Like Like.
    The oil cooler isn't the only place where oil sheds heat. Many engines don't have an oil cooler at all, so all the heat is lost via...
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    MRC01 replied to the thread More oil == cooler engine temps?.
    Here's one possible explanation for this notion. I don't know whether it is correct, but it seems intuitive to me. As each drop of oil...
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    Agreed, this is the most likely explanation. With a fixed pitch prop, any time the airplane hits any updraft, downdraft, or pocket of...
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    MRC01 replied to the thread VOR.
    Interesting. On a related note, COMM radios can jam GPS and other signals into the GHz range because they always have some amount of...