Recent content by Morgan3820

  1. Morgan3820

    Walmart drones are here.

    Yet another reason not to purchase anything from Walheck
  2. Morgan3820

    RSV vaccine

    I’ll just wait for herd immunity to kick in.
  3. Morgan3820

    NA: dog ownership + lawn care

    True story. Never thought I’d relate this to anybody outside of my immediate circle but here you go. We went for a week, long excursion on our sailboat. I’ve gotten used to rowing the dog to shore. About 2 AM I hear some footsteps on the deck above me. Then I hear what sounds like rain. Later...
  4. Morgan3820

    Southern Living: Bug Proofing a Home

    I'd move back north, where it is bug free.
  5. Morgan3820

    Got a laugh in traffic this morning.

    75% of drivers think that they are above average.
  6. Morgan3820

    NA: dog ownership + lawn care

    Female pee helps grass grow Male dog pee kills it. Too many nitrates. Burns the grass, or so I have read.
  7. Morgan3820

    Wealth Distribution in America

    Good for your daughter. So true. My daughter recently bought a Toyota Tacoma pick up. wrote a check for $20,000. Lives on her own in a nice apartment. All of this while on a stipend for a navy scholarship to med school. As you said it’s all about choices.
  8. Morgan3820

    Reel mower for taller grass.

    I mow my lawn three times a year whether it needs it or not. No one ever placed on their tombstone, the phrase “I wish I had more time to mow my lawn”
  9. Morgan3820

    good movies I might not have seen?

    Das Boat is the first, last, best submarine movie ever. It is the Master and Commander of submarine movies.
  10. Morgan3820

    Auto engine diagnostic qeustion (NA)

    I would assume antifreeze, but I will verify
  11. Morgan3820

    Auto engine diagnostic qeustion (NA)

    Hey guys, thanks for all the thoughtful responses. I was thinking head gasket.
  12. Morgan3820

    Auto engine diagnostic qeustion (NA)

    Daughter just purchased a 2017 Toyota Tacoma V6 with 140K miles. Very occasionally, at startup a very noticable white/grey plume emerges from the exhaust pipe. No particular smell. Have not had it long enough to determine any oil or coolant.usage. Any ideas?
  13. Morgan3820

    Man who crashed snowmobile into a parked Black Hawk helicopter suing government for $9.5M

    Growing up, near me, there was a quarry that was surrounded by cornfield. Good snow came, and everybody went out snowmobiling. This guy launched himself off the edge of the quarry because he didn’t see it in the dark. They have since surrounded the quarry with an earthen berm and trees on the top.