Recent content by Montana

  1. Montana

    Who's avatar is that?

    My new one is pretty cool, can I keep it?
  2. Montana

    What was your most embarassing moment in Aviation?

    I think it was when I forgot to untie the tail tie wait, the time I called up on the tower frequency for no, it was definitely the time I forgot to pull the wheel chock...or maybe when I tried to taxi after runup with the brake on... ...ahhh nevermind.
  3. Montana

    Student Confidence

    I'm right there with you. I make a point to prod my CFI for a good debrief. I am not happy with the answer "you're doing fine" I flat out ask him to elaborate (what did I do well, what needs more work, am I really on track, how bad was that last landing and what did I miss, etc.) and follow up...
  4. Montana

    Video Game advice (N/A)

    We have the Wii, the kids love it because it is interactive, and you can use up to 4 controllers so we all look like idiots in our den playing together (but it is fun). Just really have to be careful with young kids. After a couple of times getting hit with the controllers, they learned to...
  5. Montana

    Expose: Airliners running out of gas!
