Recent content by merlin3

  1. M

    Winds 22004KT favoring runway 11

    If this really bothers you that much I really hope you never fly into any big fly ins or oshkosh. You will be really upset.
  2. M

    Tips for first time flying to Oshkosh

    Flew my rv4 in sunday morning for my first time flying into oshkosh. Wasnt horribly busy but steady. By 6pm the ga parking was full and they were turning them away.
  3. M

    Van's Aircraft Calendar

    They didnt use that photo but there is a photo of that plane for the month of August
  4. M

    Your Second Most Expensive Hobby

    Cars(2 nissan 300zxs),guns(quickly becoming expensive), scuba diving, r/c helis and planes(team pilot for horizon hobby), reef aquariums(cost of a nice car)
  5. M

    Garmin Pilot for Android -- Tech Support, Tips, Tricks

    Was using the old nexus 7 for quite a while but finally got sick of how slow it is and now it's for passengers. Picked up a Samsung Galaxy S2 and the difference is nigot and day. Highly recommend the s2.
  6. M

    I want to fly a tailwheel!!

    The renters insurance you have to get somewhere else but its needed if flying solo and not with an instructor.
  7. M

    I want to fly a tailwheel!!

    I second stewarts aircraft. I have been doing aerobatic lessons there.
  8. M

    2015 Wings of Hope Raffle

    Do you guys actually receive paper tickets in the mail? I bought 3 tickets on 4/16 and all i received was a confirmation email.
  9. M

    Best Aviation Apps for Android?

    Garmin pilot, flyq, takeoff, weatherbomb are just a few i like. I have tried most of the moving map apps such as avare and naviator but after using garmin the others just seem too clunky. Garmin is so intuitive, want to go to an airport? Just find it on the map, touch it and hit direct to...
  10. M

    2015 Midwest Fly-in Spring Fling

    Going to try to make it.
  11. M

    Great Lakes Meet Up

    Had a good time and was great weather for flying. Thanks for putting everything together Tim! Stopped by middletown on the way home for a bit too.
  12. M

    Great Lakes Meet Up

    I will have to see how winds are as well. It looks like it is going to be almost right down the runway at both runways that i am using.
  13. M

    Great Lakes Meet Up

    Tim ill be there with a guest and possibly a friend is flying in with a guest but they are still a maybe.
  14. M

    Great Lakes Meet Up

    I will try to have my friend bring a side dish and my wife is going to try to make cookies again.
  15. M

    Great Lakes Meet Up

    Yep my wife made the airplane cookies last time. I mentioned it to her so ill see if i can get her to make them for this get together.