Recent content by Marshall R. Naquin

  1. Marshall R. Naquin

    Five months waiting for a checkride

    FYI one of the FAA Inspectors at the local FSDO can give you your check ride for free. Long story but when I took my PPL check ride years ago there was a problem with the "recommended" DPE at my local airport. I took my ride with an FAA inspector instead. Did not find it any more difficult than...
  2. Marshall R. Naquin

    Dallas Airport recommendation

    We flew into KTKI two weeks ago and found the prices reasonable. Friends picked us up though so I'm not sure about car rental prices. Fuel was way cheaper than KADS and tie down fee was only $10/night I think.
  3. Marshall R. Naquin

    At some point a parent has just got to let them fail I guess

    When flying commercial, which I loathe, my wife literally likes to time arriving at the airport so that you go through security and it's already time to board and you walk on the plane. Needless to say she has missed more than one airplane flight in her life and I have missed zero.
  4. Marshall R. Naquin

    Ipad Recommendation

    I have the IPad Mini on the Sportys Velcro kneeboard. It allows you to prop it up for a better viewing angle and stays started to my leg. I also have the Mixoo Capacitive Stylus Pen because I can write on the scratch pads easier and more clearly. I had bought the larger iPad Pro for flying but...
  5. Marshall R. Naquin

    Touch up paint

    I know this is a very old thread but what do you do after painting to blend the touch ups with the surrounding area. Prepped with self etching primer then color matched Imron paint using small artist brushes. Just fixing some smallish chipped areas in the leading edges. Overall the paint job...