Recent content by machkhatib

  1. M

    Garmin G5 Yellow Heading & Warranty Saga (retitled)

    Your AHRS calibration (G5’s and/or magnetometer) might be ever-so-slightly off. As my experience shows, a pitch variance of less than half of one degree can cause this issue. My shop (which is a licensed Garmin dealer) is very much “by the book” which means a consistent, professional install...
  2. M

    Garmin G5 Yellow Heading & Warranty Saga (retitled)

    Update: Problem solved! I flew extensively, including a long cross-country trip to Michigan and Ohio to see the eclipse and visit family, and I am overjoyed to report I experienced zero anomalies on either G5 during this period!!! Apr. 2: KPUJ-KVPC-KPUJ, 1.0 hours. Apr. 7: KPUJ-0I8, 2.3 hours...
  3. M

    Ukrainian light sport “Kamikazi” attack

    Another video clip, albeit with a very brief view of the aircraft. The account provides additional context: “Early this morning, Ukrainian forces successfully conducted one of the deepest drone attacks of the war, striking multiple targets, including a reported Russian Shahed-136 factory...
  4. M

    Ukrainian light sport “Kamikazi” attack

    Video clip of the civilian trainer, loaded with explosives, being used to attack a Russian facility. The aircraft was remote-operated. Aircraft type:
  5. M

    Garmin G5 Yellow Heading & Warranty Saga (retitled)

    I read on another forum that a G5 firmware update prevents the yellow heading from turning off autopilots. I don't have autopilot myself so I can't say for sure. The latest version for certified aircraft is 8.26.
  6. M

    Garmin G5 Yellow Heading & Warranty Saga (retitled)

    2 G5s, a GNX 375, GTR 225, and a PMA450C audio panel. It felt like a big upgrade to me. Why do you think it is electromagnetic? My avionics shop hasn’t charged me for this troubleshooting. They really wanted to fix it. I lost count of how many AHRS and magnetometer recalibrations other...
  7. M

    Garmin G5 Yellow Heading & Warranty Saga (retitled)

    It is random. I’ve tried all power settings, turns, climbs, stalls, etc. It happens when it wants to happen. See the confidence sawtoothing graph. Note the sawtoothing is algorithmic, not triggered by a certain flight condition. The G5s normally show the heading anomalies one after another, not...
  8. M

    Garmin G5 Yellow Heading & Warranty Saga (retitled)

    There is a vibration test which runs the engine through different RPM levels. We performed it on the ground as per Garmin’s instructions and the G5’s passed.
  9. M

    Garmin G5 Yellow Heading & Warranty Saga (retitled)

    I don’t know what to think anymore. I uploaded my data to another forum and one of the guys there put my last few flights on a graph for me. You can see the G5’s confidence level represented by the blue line. Altitude is the red line. The confidence sawtooths, starting each flight low and...
  10. M

    Garmin G5 Yellow Heading & Warranty Saga (retitled)

    Those who think I’m “bashing” Garmin must be convinced there is nothing wrong with the Garmin G5 hardware or software (which continues to be patched with updates) or stringing us along for 6 months.
  11. M

    Garmin G5 Yellow Heading & Warranty Saga (retitled)

    No. Although it seems to have improved, I still got the yellow heading. Here’s how my latest flight went: Segment 1 (KPUJ-KRMG-KCZL): Immediately after takeoff, I got yellow heading anomalies on the top G5 (AI) and the bottom G5 (HSI). I took a video of my takeoff...
  12. M

    Letter to the FAA re Digital Clock for IFR

    Include a footnote with a link to this thread ;)
  13. M

    Letter to the FAA re Digital Clock for IFR

    Not just that, my letter was primarily aimed at a preceding interpretation (the Nkugba letter) rather than a regulation. I get that people may be intimidated by lawyers but I don't think the FAA chose its words carefully when it came up with "permanent clock display" and "permanent clock...
  14. M

    Letter to the FAA re Digital Clock for IFR

    All it took was a letter to the FAA about clocks and I somehow triggered half of POA into underwear-twisting cartwheels about the mere possibility of an unfavorable interpretation. :lol:
  15. M

    Letter to the FAA re Digital Clock for IFR

    To all those hemming and hawing that I kicked the metaphorical hornets’ nest: If my letter prompts the FAA to tighten the rules for digital clocks, I’ll apologize to everyone in this thread. If my letter prompts the FAA to relax the rules for digital clocks, everyone who chewed me out should...