Recent content by lostpilot28

  1. lostpilot28

    Centering The Ball about thread drift! I need to come back here more often...I'm missing out. As to the OP, I agree with Doug's reply. :rolleyes:
  2. lostpilot28

    I think I want my PPL, please help me!

    You think you want your PPL? Fair warning - it's a very expensive hobby. Most of the people that are replying to your post see flying as a passion. When I got my PPL 12 years ago a buddy of mine - somewhat wealthy software engineer in Ventura - said that he'd like to get his...
  3. lostpilot28

    Careers, aside from the obvious?

    Hi Heather...I didn't read every reply so it may have already been posted. But, I was in your shoes about 12 years ago. I wanted to fly and thought it would be great to get paid for it. For me, however, I realized a couple things...being away from home that much wasn't good, and the exciting...
  4. lostpilot28

    Broke the 100 Hour Mark

    I believe it's 100 hrs per year. I think the closest I've ever been was 95 hours...otherwise it's closer to 50 or 60.
  5. lostpilot28

    Broke the 100 Hour Mark

    I think it took me over 4 years to get 100 hrs in the logbook. Then I bought a PulsarXP in 2004 and I got much closer to the yearly GA "average". Now I'm only putting 50 hours a year on my RV-7A, and that's mostly due to the cost of fuel. This is an expensive hobby! :D
  6. lostpilot28

    Spin Endorsement???

    Thanks! Glad to be here. Yeah, it's the whole "lack of context" thing that internet forums are so great for...I thought you begged him to spin your airplane AFTER you noted the placard. LOL. :eek:
  7. lostpilot28

    Spin Endorsement???

    +1 on that, Ron. Kim, you already know this, I'm sure, but don't ever spin an airplane that's placarded against it. I used to own a PulsarXP when I lived in SoCal and they had nasty spin characteristics...made me scared to even stall it. As for Chuck Yeager, I think he was the one who said...
  8. lostpilot28

    Nervous Before First Solo Flight

    Nervous is fine...just don't let yourself get caught off-guard. My instructor had another student that was literally 3 minutes away from solo'ing. My instructor told me she was going to jump out after landing and let the other student go alone. But, on that downwind with the instructor, the...
  9. lostpilot28

    Pattern Madness

    OK, please don't skewer me. I'm asking this because I really want to know what defines "Cowboy Flying". I just read the clip from Van's Facebook post that had 3 examples of what pilots were doing to increase the accident rate in experimentals. 2 were clearly stupid pilot tricks, but the third...
  10. lostpilot28

    Pattern Madness

    Actually, I'm very curious about what Synthetic Vision system you have, too. If you don't mind sharing I would appreciate it. There are lots of folks out there that could use this for panel upgrades, or whatever. :)
  11. lostpilot28

    Pattern Madness

    Probably not the right place for this post, but I just learned of this website because of the post on Van's Air Force. Looks like a great place to hang out! Yes, I'm an RV-7A driver. In an attempt to stay "on topic", I'll share that yesterday I saw the first overhead break at my home airport...