Recent content by lionclaw

  1. lionclaw

    Highest altitude cell/4g will work?

    10500 MSL over El Paso has good Sprint coverage...
  2. lionclaw


    I used adhesive felt strips. They are approximately 1/4" square and come in strips around a foot long. They came from either Michales or Joaan Fabric. Make sure you clean the bumper well before you apply it. The last of my Roombas were sold on ebay a few months ago. After the neato sale...
  3. lionclaw

    Dayton Aviation (Ohio)

    I was based out of Moraine for a few years, and hope to be going back at some point. I'll be moving back to Dayton next month, but won't be moving to the airport until the RV-10 is almost done. There's a bunch of Waco folks in the big red brick building. They're friendly, and always seem to...
  4. lionclaw

    Win 8.1 ???

    I hated it at first, but StartIsBack fixed most of my complaints. Now that I have a Win8 tablet I'm learning to appreciate some of the UI elements. It's like the ribbon bar that was added to Office some years back. At first, everyone hated it. After a few years everyone got used to it, and...
  5. lionclaw

    Is experimental the future?

    Is it the future? That's hard to say. We may not even be able to imagine the future. If one were to have asked Roman soldiers what the future of warfare would look like, it is unlikely they would have mentioned guided missiles and space-based ISR capabilities. I would love to live in a...
  6. lionclaw

    We gonna talk about BitCoin?

    I don't see anyone arguing against that point. While resistance to counterfeiting is one advantage, the primary advantage I see is that it is generated on a predictable basis and the volume of currency cannot be manipulated by a centralized entity.
  7. lionclaw

    We gonna talk about BitCoin?

    You're right with regards to usability. I believe that will change as more payment processors come on board. I don't agree that it's the same old crapola. Cryptocurrency is a new idea.... i know people love comparing it to USD or gold, but the truth is it isn't really like either of those at...
  8. lionclaw

    We gonna talk about BitCoin?

    I'm not hearing an alternative solution.
  9. lionclaw

    We gonna talk about BitCoin?

    Such is the argument of all people who get left behind in the wake of change. If people don't want to learn anything new and get left in the dark ages, fine by me. But those people shouldn't expect anything other than a meager existence.
  10. lionclaw

    We gonna talk about BitCoin?

    I should have said the IDEA of bitcoin vs the IDEA of the USD. There is no guarantee that X dollars will buy you a pound of beef at the store. What US law dictates as such?
  11. lionclaw

    We gonna talk about BitCoin?

    I'm not sure if that comment was in jest or not, but just in case: ir·ra·tion·al iˈraSHənl/Submit adjective 1. not logical or reasonable. When I said Bitcoin was backed by math, you went after me and said it had to be backed by a physical thing. But now you're telling me USD is backed...
  12. lionclaw

    We gonna talk about BitCoin?

    There may be some truth to that, but I challenge anyone to develop a convincing argument that bitcoin is inferior to USD. Also, some of the posts in this thread lead me to believe that not everyone really understands what bitcoin is and how it works. I would encourage anyone who wants to...
  13. lionclaw

    We gonna talk about BitCoin?

    What an odd opinion. Are you insinuating that the idea of bitcoin is irrational?
  14. lionclaw

    We gonna talk about BitCoin?

    Why would you want your currency tied to physical goods or service? What happens when people no longer desire the physical item to which the currency is tied? Allowing the market to set the value by supply/demand seems superior in my mind. In addtion, I think you need to reconsider your...
  15. lionclaw

    We gonna talk about BitCoin?

    It's backed by math! There's a decent video here: They don't really get into it, but the same mathematical principles behind public/private key encryption are what keeps bitcoin secure. Your wallet file (private key) allows you to draw upon your...