Recent content by Kellan Bradshaw

  1. K

    Flying with a Dog!

    Flights today went great! KCHD -> E67 and back again. Lewis did wonderful! Enjoy some pics:
  2. K

    Flying with a Dog!

    Great video! Poor Mochi Glad it went better on the second attempt. Great job handling the stress of that the first time around and making the wise decision to abort the flight! Something I’ve had drilled into my brain time and time again is that it’s not good enough to just think to yourself...
  3. K

    Flying with a Dog!

    Is hearing protection a must or just a preference? I don’t want to give him hearing damage…but the flight is tomorrow and I also don’t want to go out and buy some over-priced muffs if I don’t have to! Ha
  4. K

    Flying with a Dog!

    He does really well in the car, but he’s still a bit of a puppy (stray, so unsure of exact age, but probably around 1 year old). That being said, he likes to climb around a bit. I definitely don’t want to be distracted…especially being inexperienced and flying into a new airport. Down in Arizona...
  5. K

    Flying with a Dog!

    Hello! Got my PPL in August. Going on a short trip (54nm) tomorrow and am thinking about bringing my dog with me. He’s a small, 20lb terrier (pictures below!), but I’ve never flown with a dog before. I was wondering if any of you lovely folks had any tidbits of wisdom or tips and tricks so that...
  6. K

    Checkride on Saturday!

  7. K

    Checkride on Saturday!

    That was exactly how I felt 10 days out from my checkride -- like I had had ENOUGH with studying, lol. You'll knock it out of the park. I'm excited for you! I'd wish you good luck, but luck has nothing to do with it. When I was nervous, my grandpa told me, "When preparation meets opportunity...
  8. K

    Checkride on Saturday!

    Oh man... Today was an absolutely perfect day. Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who chimed in here to offer their support, encouragement, and advice. I am very pleased to let you all know that I passed my private pilot checkride today and am now a certified private pilot! I cannot recommend Dawn...
  9. K

    Checkride on Saturday!

    Hi there! Back in April I posted a thread titled, "Looking for Advice! & A Quick Introduction". Many of you had very helpful suggestions for how to self-fund my flight training while working full time and balancing bills. At the time I was a bit discouraged at the prospect of it all, but with...
  10. K

    Looking for Advice! & a Quick Introduction

    Well that's encouraging. She sounds like a regular old legend around here, lol.
  11. K

    Looking for Advice! & a Quick Introduction

    My old instructor is a wonderful man. I'm actually getting lunch with him next weekend, I'm really looking forward to it. He unfortunately doesn't have access to a plane (I've already asked him if he would keep instructing me, lol)...but I bet he'll have lots of great advice for me in addition...
  12. K

    Looking for Advice! & a Quick Introduction

    I'm still giggling to myself about, "You are already too old." Sir/Ma'am, I'm not too old to do anything except waste my time with people who aren't in my corner.
  13. K

    Looking for Advice! & a Quick Introduction

    I just audibly sighed then face-palmed. This forum makes it easy for me too! It's on her profile AND her profile picture makes it pretty obvious. @SkyChaser, I sincerely apologize. As a GenZ'er, you'd expect me not to be such a sexist!
  14. K

    Looking for Advice! & a Quick Introduction

    I do have my first-class medical. I didn't realize that there was increased scrutiny toward existing medicals. That's good to keep in mind. I also need to brush up on my FAR/AIM because mine may be expired now. Either way, I had no issue getting it the first time around. I have been very blessed...
  15. K

    Looking for Advice! & a Quick Introduction

    Good to know! I don't know much about CAP at all, besides the "flaming" that people love to do. I don't think it's the best bet for me right this second, but I will definitely keep it in mind for the future if it ever becomes the right choice! Thank you for your input! Ignore the haters!