Recent content by John-1966

  1. John-1966

    AOPA Dues going up again

    Not me. The jet doesn't represent the bulk of general aviation - it's a toy for the execs.
  2. John-1966

    AOPA Dues going up again

    The "problem" isn't the people taking the stance; it's the non-profit organization owning a jet - that's what feeds the destructive public perception.
  3. John-1966

    AOPA Membership Dues increase

    And now (June, 2017) AOPA wants another 17% increase in basic dues. I'm not going to renew.
  4. John-1966

    AOPA Membership Dues increase

    It was the Citation Jet that caught my eye. They haven't had it for too long. I wonder what it's used for or how it's justified? Nice toy, though.
  5. John-1966

    AOPA Membership Dues increase

    Maybe someone has already posted this info, but I think the following list (from FAA database) of aircraft owned by AOPA speaks for itself in terms of why membership fees are up: N-NUMBER,SERIAL NUMBER, MFRMDL CODE,ENG MFR MDL,YEAR 102UC,15284832 152...
  6. John-1966

    AOPA Membership Dues increase

    Only a 31% increase. You got a 31% salary increase last year, didn't you? But AOPA now owns a jet for their management to play with.....