Recent content by jheyen

  1. jheyen

    Daily Pic

    Some hills north of Atlanta.
  2. jheyen

    Words matter...need internet lawyer keyboard warrior interpretation.

    My reading of article 5 is that all those conditions must be met in order to not need a permit. Since you want to be larger than 200 Sq Ft, you would need a permit.
  3. jheyen

    Daily Pic

    Rent and we got about 16” last week. Plenty of room at the end of the aisle to put the snow. It’s not as bad as some aisles where they left piles of snow 10 times this size in front of other hangars. This isn’t our first issue with the maintenance crews. Step one was get some plowing done. Now...
  4. jheyen

    Daily Pic

    Here’s my hangar this morning from the snow last week. They did an excellent job of piling it up right in front of the doors.
  5. jheyen

    GA recommendation for Miami?

    I just left OPF yesterday from a weeklong cruise. My decision was based on rental car availability. MIA and HWO were out. I went to Atlantic and they did a great job. Kind of expensive, but that is to be expected. Leaving was a pain. I tried to go IFR, but they had a ground hold in place, so I...
  6. jheyen

    Final Approach Fix symbol - MS Word

    Take a screen shot of it from an existing plate.
  7. jheyen

    Sean Connery dies at 90

    The Saturday night live skits with Sean Connery on Jeopardy are awesome. So many great movies as well.
  8. jheyen

    Seeking a Partnership-Sending out Letters to Owners?

    This is exactly how I found my way into the A36 I have now. I pulled the FAA directory for my county and sent letters to all the 6 seat aircraft owners inquiring if they wanted to have a partner join. Several got back to me not interested in being a partner, but happy to help me out if I needed...
  9. jheyen

    Found a UFO!!!

    So do they rely on the big sky theory that it won’t get chopped up by GA plane or sucked into a jet engine?
  10. jheyen


    Let’s call it a long term rental.
  11. jheyen


    I have a portable hard drive that creates a WiFi network. I’ve downloaded a bunch of movie to it that my passengers can access. It is awesome!
  12. jheyen

    $100 hamburger in COVID-19 times (video)

    Yep looks like the Blue Haven is doing carry out at least. They have wonderful food. Get the pie!!!
  13. jheyen

    fear of prescription glasses

    I carry an extra pair of contacts and an old pair of glasses in my flight bag just in case. Redundancy!
  14. jheyen

    Coronavirus hysteria is hurting every one.

    So here’s what Illinois looks like. How about they use the data of where it’s at. For instance, I’d be fine with shutting down Chicago and the collar counties and not letting people travel out/in there. But seriously, leave the rest of the state alone.
  15. jheyen

    Coronavirus hysteria is hurting every one.

    I’ve heard several reports that recognize the number of cases is likely 10 times what has been tested because it got such a slow start. If this is the case, then the death rate is closer to 0.2%, putting it much closer to the flu.