Recent content by jarod

  1. jarod

    pilot time building, rental vs owning/ good career?

    Yeah you all are right, I let my excitement get the better of me lol sorry guys, but mainly the most important thing I’m interested in is your opinions on my second part Thanks Jarod
  2. jarod

    pilot time building, rental vs owning/ good career?

    Yeah very fair point, you hear every once in a while of finding a decent plane but that’s probably not common, I don’t need an amazing plane just something I can fly without the wings folding off. But your right it’s probably more expensive than just renting
  3. jarod

    pilot time building, rental vs owning/ good career?

    Hello all, hope all is well for everyone. I am almost down with my training fly my PPL just need to take my written and then checkride prep, I also have my flight medical test coming up but it should be well and uneventful hopefully and allow me my 1st class medical. I’m seriously looking...
  4. jarod

    FSDO inspector VS DPE

    Thank you everyone for the advice I really appreciate it! I think I agree with everyone it makes sense to take the test while I’m already there and flying with an inspector. Hopefully it’ll be a nice inspector, I’m not worried about the flight medical test, I am hoping that should be pretty...
  5. jarod

    FSDO inspector VS DPE

    Hello all, hope all is well as we approach the end of the year. I am writing today for just some simple insight and opinions from you all as the best way for me to proceed. I am almost finished with my training for my PPL and am getting ready for a checkride. My LOA for my medical flight test...
  6. jarod

    Any advice/experience with a MFT for a vision waiver?

    Thanks for the info everyone. I do understand a SODA is not a garuntee of a successful commercial piloting career but I also know personally of at least 2 pilots who had long careers with one and heard of others, if it’s the best shot I have I figured it would be a waste not to try I might...
  7. jarod

    Any advice/experience with a MFT for a vision waiver?

    Hello all, I hope all is well for everyone this month. I am writing again today for your advice/help for me and getting my certificate. I am at about 33 hours now just completing the cross country portion of my training and then it’s just honing down my maneuvers and landings until I take my...
  8. jarod

    Ever heard of a Pilot with extreme fear of drops, + training questions

    Hello all, sorry been so busy with work and school kinda forgot to check back for awhile. Indeed I do have some good updates for everyone though. I am just passing about 20 hours flight time and preparing to do my first solo flight. I can say though that I feel MUCH better about flying now and...
  9. jarod

    Ever heard of a Pilot with extreme fear of drops, + training questions

    Thank you, I actually did some further research and saw what you were talking about. I can’t really find anything on Cessna wings falling off during regular flight but I did find a few albeit rare cases of piper wings coming off from cracks. I guess I just have to trust my rental company...
  10. jarod

    Ever heard of a Pilot with extreme fear of drops, + training questions

    Whoops sorry I see the confusion the way I worded it, no I don’t have any of them mixed up pitch, roll or yaw I just used the wrong word trying to describe it. What I was talking about was the final seconds when your in ground affect over the runway pulling back to flare, I often have...
  11. jarod

    Ever heard of a Pilot with extreme fear of drops, + training questions

    uhhhhhh….. I would have no idea what your talking about, can’t imagine doing such a stupid think like that……… :|
  12. jarod

    Ever heard of a Pilot with extreme fear of drops, + training questions

    That’s a crazy photo lol, thanks for sharing. I have to say all of the other pilots I’ve talked too are all very nice and willing to share their knowledge and advice. I appreciate that.
  13. jarod

    Ever heard of a Pilot with extreme fear of drops, + training questions

    One thing that makes me feel better is I actually have taking school courses on aerodynamics for flight and airplane structures and systems. And I do understand just how tough these guys are overbuilt to be FAA type rated. Also as far as training is concerned a question for you all ( I know...
  14. jarod

    Ever heard of a Pilot with extreme fear of drops, + training questions

    Yes I do know structural maneuvering speed, I think part of my issue is that my fear is more or less irrationally placed to begin with because it’s not so much the plane is “rated to handle it” as it is in just constantly thinking the worst. but hey in the good uplook side I’ve come a way...
  15. jarod

    Ever heard of a Pilot with extreme fear of drops, + training questions

    I’d say it’s more in my head than anything, there are times (during stall training for example) when like my knees get jittery and I white knuckle the yoke, but for most of the flight I am perfectly fine and physically calm…. Just going through the scenarios in my head if a wing crumpling in half lol