Recent content by IndyBrian

  1. I

    Are Airline Pilots Overpaid?

    Wrong times two.
  2. I

    Are Airline Pilots Overpaid?

    You are the only tool that is saying this, I certainly am not, and I am in the airline industry. You sound like a bitter salesman.
  3. I

    Cirrus chute saves another one...

    I slide the cover back and use the two front velcro tabs on the two rear posts. This leaves the handle clear and the cover is still where I can easily find it. Low level pull nothing is in my way. A situation at altitude allows me to review the checklist on the easily found cover, as I...
  4. I

    Are Airline Pilots Overpaid?

    Spell check is not always your friend, but I fixed it before you quoted it, so no one else has any idea what the hell you are talking about. That is probably an issue you deal with daily, so no harm no foul I guess. Again, my third grade educated friend, where have I whined about my time...
  5. I

    Are Airline Pilots Overpaid?

    Is that a sentence? I see your writhing skills are as good as your reading comprehension.
  6. I

    Are Airline Pilots Overpaid?

    No try a little reading comprehension next time. The original poster was comparing how little I work for a huge hourly rate. I pointed out that his understanding of airline pay was incorrect. If I was whining it would be about how I should be making more money for what I do. Gone from...
  7. I

    Are Airline Pilots Overpaid?

    You have no clue. Real job terms, what exactly is that. You do not understand airline pay so please do not post what you know nothing about. Yes pay for the month may be based on 70 hours, but the time away form base is a much larger number. When you use the time away from base, i.e...
  8. I

    Cirrus chute saves another one...

    Joyce, Every time someone pulls the within the envelope everyone walks away. There are a number of off field accidents where a plane flips and and someone dies. I own a SR22 and will pull the chute every time without thought if above 500 feet. Please join COPA if you have not already...
  9. I

    Cirrus down in the Bahamas

    I tried to post a link to the local news story here in Indianapolis. Search WISHTV and Bahamas Crash to see the local news story, with pictures. The plane is a Indy area partnership. Condolences to those involved.
  10. I

    Cirrus down in the Bahamas

    Plane looks pretty broken up, looks high impact, not your typical ditching. One article I read said 4 feet of water. Condolences to all those involved.
  11. I

    Prospective Student in Indianapolis

    Sent you a PM